Preußens Gloria - Meine beste Version 2021. Deutscher Marsch von Johann Gottfried Piefke /Bundeswehr

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Was wäre die deutsche Militärmusik ohne Piefkes Werk? "Preußens Gloria" ist der wohl meistgespielte Marsch landauf, landab. Ich präsentiere hier zwei Versionen.
1. Ausmarsch Ehrenformation anlässlich eines Rückkehrappells in Seedorf. Die Einsatzkräfte, die an der Militärischen Evakuierungsmission Afghanistan um Brigadegeneral Jens Arlt teilnahmen, wurden hier von der damaligen Bundeskanzlerin, Dr. Angela Merkel, und der damaligen Bundesministerin der Verteidigung, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, geehrt.
Im Anschluss folgte ein Gelöbnis von Rekrutinnen und Rekruten des Fallschirmjägerregiments 31. Es spielt das Heeresmusikkorps Hannover unter Leitung von Oberstleutnant Martin Wehn.
2. Ausmarsch Ehrenformation FA/UA-Btl 2 Celle. In dessen Patengemeinde Hambühren fand im November die Vereidigung von länger dienenden Soldaten statt. Auch hier spielt das Heeresmusikkorps Hannover. Dieses mal unter Leitung von OStFw. Dietmar Kruse.

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prussian anthem trooping the colour
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It's amazing the range a glockenspiel has. That far away and it could still be heard over the rest of the band.


It's sounds so clean and for an outside march it truly is incredible!


Ich liebe Marschmusik.... Und mein Vater freut sich darüber - dort wo er jetzt über mich Danke Papa 🙏😍


I have heard dozens of marches and Preußens Gloria is the best ever. Very stirring!


I like those Military Marches; it reminds me of the old days when I was in the U.S. Army. The sound of the band, the left foot hitting the ground at the sound of the drumbeat, the commanders shutting out the commands and eyes right as we pass the VIP.


Bismarck ist stolz auf Euch!!! Sehr gut gespielt!!!


From Japan, Wonderful. I love Preußens Gloria!!


Endlich wieder deutsche Töne wunderbar


Props to the tubas, its a nightmare playing standing up, can't imagine while marching.


Marching was the only thing I liked in boot camp. I love this march almost as much as German yodeling.


Großartig, dabei kann man nicht stillsitzen.


Super gut gemacht was werden wir ohne Preußen Gloria ich bin übrigens auch bei den Bundeswehr musikorps Hannover


Impressive and beautiful! Thanks for sharing! 🇩🇪 Love from California🇺🇲


Zwei Volltreffer, direkt im Ziel von Herz und Sinn, die abflauende Akustikkurve in Version 2 kann daran nichts ändern!✌

Als absolut neutraler Zuschauer, wer bisher den Kanal noch nicht abonniert hat, hier liegt einer der vielen gewichtigen Gründe vor, es zu tun.☝️


Great sound from the Musikkorps Bonsai! I wish the Bundeswehr would adopt the old Prussian style Standarten with the Saint Georges Cross. The current Truppenfahne just copies the color of the Weimar Republic's flag, it feels so lazy. It was the same way for the Truppenfahne of the NVA, they did the exact same thing and it honestly irked me how they put little effort in making these banners. Interestingly enough, the Russian Armed Forces revived the "Saint George's Banner" back in 2006, when they decided to retire the old Soviet Army Banners. The Saint George's Banners were first used in the Imperial Russian Army, and they were based on the designs of the Prussian Army Standarten, or vice versa.

I have studied flags and banners for years, and I find the German and Russian ones to be the most beautiful in world. Russia and Germany both have a shared military culture that is rich in history, it would be a shame to not continue these traditions. There is a common modern day problem that plagues militaries around the world, and its that they use very low quality flags for their troops. In both Russian and German military tradition, the banners of troop regiments are supposed to embroidered and built with the most expensive and high quality materials possible, and must be ornate and intricate. Often there is a problem where the Russian Army sometimes breaks this tradition and buys some extremely cheap and ugly rubber banners with no embroidery and the troops are supposed to defend these useless cloths. The tradition also calls for the soldiers to defend the banner at every cost possible. In the times of Peter the Great, if an enemy captured the regiment's standard, the soldiers would be punished or even sentenced to death. The troops are supposed to be inspired by the banner, as it represents their glory and valor.

Even in the USSR, the tradition was revived and the banners were densely embroidered. Every division and regiment was awarded a banner after battle and they did everything to protect it, although they weren't killed if the enemy captured it. The same went for the Wehrmacht, they too made their Standarten very complex with expensive materials, but Hitler broke the tradition by pulling all of the Standarten from battle and put them in the museums because he was too much of a coward to let them be captured.


I'm also feeling nostalgic when watching this video, as I obtained the most comfortable pair of Bundeswehr Panzer boots while stationed in Mannheim, 1976-1979. Sadly, I had them re-soled by an incompetent cobble in the States, and they were ruined. But as to this march, it's truly my favorite...Thanks for the two excellent versions!


I really appreciate how they have started using tasteful variations on the more repetitive parts of this march which they must play so very often to never use sheet music.


Marched to this many a time as a British soldier. Still used on Trooping the Colour for the Queens Birthday.


Habe ich mich schon den ganzen Abend drauf gefreut!


I love that march!! It is beautiful!Long live Germany!!
