Business Continuity and Crisis Management | Accounts Direct

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Business Continuity and Crisis Management
The need to ensure continuity of service has never been greater. In today’s business environment, no company is isolated from incidents, which results in business disruptions. Business continuity is a critical component of successful business management. Experience shows that typically more than 50 percent of businesses without an effective resiliency plan will ultimately fail following a major disruption.

Accounts Direct’s Business Continuity and Crisis Management practice’s strength comes from its multidisciplinary capabilities across enterprise resilience, continuity of operations, technology resilience and recovery, supply chain and third party resilience, real-time crisis management, and emergency response.

Accounts Direct Business Continuity Framework is completely aligned with ISO22301 standard and at the same time flexible enough to answer your needs and priorities.

Conventional approaches in business continuity management are merely recovery-oriented (recovery of information systems and other critical sources in the post-disaster phase). Accounts Direct business continuity model involves a flexible approach focused on disaster preparedness, and emphasizes implementation of not only rescue measures but also cost-effective, preventive controls.

The immediate seconds/minutes after an incident. Accounts Direct might help you to plan your emergency response, build your emergency teams and understand your requirements and integrate them with your health and safety efforts.

Emergency Response

The group of less trained stakeholders is usually the executive management. Accounts Direct crisis management team can help you to prepare all levels of management for crisis survival, by training, simulations and building teams for crisis response. This will help your executive management to rehearse their coordination, communication and decision making processes during a crisis.

Crisis Management

After every incident, business must be resumed at some point. Recovery action plans are key for a successful business continuity program so that personnel know their roles, responsibilities and actions in the event of a serious interruption of operations. Accounts Direct can help you develop proper continuity response by developing agile, flexible and full scale recovery plans.

Operational Recovery

Whether it is a secondary site for your business personnel or a disaster recovery data center, Accounts Direct resiliency team can help you to perform location based risk assessment and to select your key location.

Critical Location Selection

It does not matter where the disruption comes from, as long as your business and reputation is affected. Companies rely more and more third party suppliers/vendors and third party operational continuity becomes a key part of the business continuity. Accounts Direct can help you to identify key suppliers, assess them against standards and company procedures by integrating planning with critical suppliers and coordinate exercises.
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