20s Charleston Dance Tutorial - Full Choreography to the Song 'Black Bottom'

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We practice to dance at 0.75 speed of the music. It's good to start slower and when you feel comfortable with the routine you can challenge yourself with the original tempo.

I've tried to show everything step by step so that you can learn this routine as well if you like. Due to the format, however, I couldn't exlain all movements in detail. But I still hope that you find this video interesting. I'm happy if I can motivate some of you to start learning Charleston and Solo Jazz. It's so much fun!

So, stand up and dance with me!

PS: Sorry for my poor English and few inconsistencies in counting during the explanations. That's my first online dance tutorial ever. ;-)

Chapters in this video:
00:00 - What is this video about?
01:17 - Lesson Part 1
18:07 - Practice Part 1
19:03 - Lesson Part 2
39:30 - Practice Part 2
40:28 - Lesson Part 3
53:42 - Practice Part 3
54:38 - We are ready!
55:14 - Practice the full choreo
57:42 - Congrats! Keep going and have fun!
Music by Enoch Light & The Charleston City All Stars "Black Bottom"

Thank you so much!

#CharlestonDance #Charleston20s #SoloJazz #RoaringTwenties #1920s #flappers #authenticjazz #swingdance #dancetutorial #charlestontutorial
Рекомендации по теме

black bottom is by far the best dance video i have ever watched on youtube


I am not a dancer, but watching you dance is a true thrill. Watching you explain it is absorbing at another level. Viel danke!


There is so much elegance in your movements. You are head and shoulders above any other Charleston dancer I have watched. I have watched several of your videos many times and will probably watch them again and again. You have un-paralleled female elegance, a beautiful smile and even greater beauty, style and class. Keep dancing for us to enjoy. Love you...


This is peak niche YouTube - where a middle aged aircraft engineer can learn 1920's dance moves


I love your dancing and your music. I am a great lover of the popular music of the 1920s and 30s.


You know, it 's a real joy watching you dance the Charleston to Black Bottom like that. For the life of me, it's hard to believe anyone could remember all those steps - but watching you transports me back to the 20s...really extraordinary! =)


I'm old and not a dancer. I am, however, appreciative of your ability. You clearly love what you do and that brings a smile to my face. Keep going Maria and thank you.


NEVER apologize for your excellent English as a second language. You are more accomplished than many in America. Love this video !


So nice to hear the voice behind the amazing dancer ❤️❤️❤️


This tutorial is seriously a dream come true!


First, although I love to dance, I have zero chance of being able to emulate your choreography and dancing... But how generous of you to share this with those who aspire to dance like "JazzyFeet". Again, you are a delight and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your talent in the future....


Well, I was never much of a dancer and am now at least 50 years beyond even "maybe" trying this - but I still enjoyed the heck out of your full video on the water, as well as the one in the pavilion in the park and this tutorial - you're a good teacher. Do you teach professionally? Cheers!


Absolutely love this! You are a great teacher, too. Thanks for posting.


I love this so much! Your instruction could not be any clearer. I'd love to see other dances on your channel. Thank you!


This is fantastic! I can't wait to follow along over the weekend, it's so nice to see a tutorial from you, keep it up! Much love :)


Девушка, вы прекрасны.Радуйте нас почаще.


A simply amazing, lovely, gracious lady. Love you! I will never tire of the joy you give to the day.


Thank you - I wanted to figure out the steps and now I can learn from this video. 🤗


Your dancing ability is so invigorating. Your instructions are so well presented. You make happy and fun seem so easy!
Thank you for this video, and your others. What a joy! Stay well and so positively oriented. Yes, indeed, a joy!


Ah thank you!!!! I am new to dancing besides f fashioned contra and I have been trying to learn this dance from your video for six months now! About five days a week I would try to practice for 20 minutes a day and it has been so hard to figure it out by watching you at full speed. I am so excited!! Thank you!! I have dyslexia so this has been particularly challenging for me but I feel like it is actually improving my ability to do things on both sides of my body!❤️❤️ This music and dance has brought so much joy to my life!
