Although it’s literally called HELLmire… it is the prettiest planet I have encountered in the game so far. I saw the most beautiful sunset I’ve ever seen in a game.
I was baptized on Hellmire, it was one of the first planets I ever played on. The sunsets and sunrises are glorious.
Take a minute to enjoy the sky during the firestorms. That planet is amazing 😍😍😍
Hellmire is so important for ftl line that should be a barrier planet(in reality im just tired to fight on it, tornadoes are a shitshow)
Hellfire was the first planet I went to when I got the game and when I told my friend that not thinking it was so bad he said you have balls of steel
Because extract, objectives and your dropped samples being a firenado makes the devs happy.
I hate playing on these planets so much, I just can’t stop dying to fire tornadoes. Like I’ve been stuck at extract waiting to get on because the fire tornadoes would not stop moving through the pelican. Or I’ll die to one and the fire tornadoes keep going through the area making it impossible to grab the samples I dropped.
fun fact Hellmire is based on the Australin out back in summer
i quit playing because people don’t know how to advance forward on planets and when we take them, they’re instantly taken back
Im on menkent for the Last 3 weeks ITS cold Out Here man ITS Not okay 😢 für Demokratie