#Jamuary2023 - Day 27 - Arturia Minifreak

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Oh boy, we're on the home stretch and with this one I match my previous personal best for days jammed in Jamuary with a few days to go, so that feels good!

Kept it simple tonight because I had to start working on this waaaay later than ideal, so I worked up a fragile, kind of string-sounding patch (using two Bass-X oscillators, which is one of my go-to oscillator modes because it's fantastically lively) and found a little progression I liked that gave me a little bit of space to play with some variations.

One thing I took the time to do was set up aftertouch to "break" the patch a bit - making it sound like everything inside the synth "isn't quite right" when I lean on the keys a little harder or wobble them around a bit, which is why you might be able to see me giving the keyboard a bit of a hard time in this video!

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My new album "one month of January" is available on bandcamp from today (and it includes project files and synth patches)!

It's made up of remastered versions of the pieces I put out on my channel during January, where I was attempting to make a finished piece of ambient / drone music each day.


"As we approached Neptune it was clear something was wrong. The sunlight glinting off the port-side windows was migraine bright like something unseen was magnifying its intensity. I'd been vacantly staring at it for some time before I noticed the oppressive pounding in my temples and the grim nausea that threatened to make me puke. What remained of the Lewis and Clark was faintly visible in the far distance but so far there was no sign of the Event Horizon ..."


Love it. Beautiful crunchy intervals on RH. 👏👏👍🎶. When does a drone become a pad ? Discuss. 🤔


It's Me Day and Oscillator Sink gives me a gift like this? Awww shucks


Amazing! Until 3:20, it sounded to me like a choir in pianissimo (then, it shiftet between doubling bamboo flutes and strings and ...)


Is this the one where Mike Meyers jumps out the closet?


How did you get this sounds exactly? I’d like to create something like this with my Minifreak.
