ITB Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Knee Pain - Sock Doc

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this is very good - a holistic approach and simple - well done


You said don't stretch it, but how come there are a bunch of videos where people are stretching it in order to treat it?


Great video, I am older and very active in sports and have a serious hip and IT band problem, as well as knee and shoulder issues. I have been in physical therapy for months and nothing seems to be changing. I wish I was back in the states to visit your office


Doc thanks for uploading this informative and demonstrative video. Very much appreciated.


...was just about to post the same thing; all I have read has said RICE - Rest, ICE, compress, elevate (and also keep hearing to increase the stretching thereof).


This is all incorrect except for the part where you talk about the ice at least in my experience. The only thing I did was stretch, strengthen the it band and all the muscles around the it band, and massage my it. I still have the injury but every day the pain keeps disappearing and I am back to my 4 minute miles. ( I also use a brace- it really works)


It's how gait affects injuries (or causes them). An ITB problem on the left (problem with a glut max - extensor) can be from an upper body extensor problem on the right (such as the triceps or upper back muscle), or vice-versa. Though yeah I showed it kinda quick and it's hard to see.


i think i now know why my knee hurts. thank you!! i talked to someone and they told me to get my knee scoped but after thinking about everything that i have been doing i only think that really changed is my diet which has been terrible over the last couple months.  i think i will go back to eating very healthy again.


good info, was doing everything told not to do in video. Icing, stretching, and wrong freaking shoes


Thanks for the comment. Check out some more info on the Sock Doc site. Under INJURIES tab is a post about ITB and under TRAINING is a post "Stop Stretching!"


I have had this problem - some people say one thing, another something else. You should not stretch any part of the body until you feel a pull - you should just gently stretch as this allows an increase in blood flow through the damaged area. The moment I stretch gently and use a foam roller I am able to run - I should do it more often, probably everyday to avoid it getting tight. Also, strengthen your TFL & gluteus medius/max - again stretch these to avoid hips getting tight & trigger points...


Via the trigger points, stretching doesn't release fascia.


See the Injury First Aid Series on the SD site for more info on what you ask.


Excellent vid - very interesting. Best bit tho is when she smiles at 3:17!


Hi SockDoc... learned a lot here. Can you elaborate a bit more or refer me to a another source on the issue of lower/upper body diagonal issues.  Do you mean that, for example, a patient that has an internally rotated shoulder on the right could present with weak Gluteus Maximus muscle on the left BECAUSE of the upper weakness/dysfuntion.  And if so - is the goal to get the upper body activated (more external rotation) to help that left Glute Max to fire more effectively? Thanks much!!!! RL


Holy crap! This is about the 20th video I've watched on ITB and it goes against all the rest. I had a lower leg osteotomy a year ago and have been doing PT for 4 months now. I've had ITB pain for about 3 months now, recurring intolerably about every 3 weeks (diagnosed today by my orthopedic surgeon). Guess what I've also had for about 3 months and was diagnosed with a few weeks ago? Frozen shoulder on the opposite side. The only thing that's helped so far is glut-xrcz and quad stretches (VMO).


So as I see, there is no a classical treatment to this ITB Syndrome? I read the article on Sock Doc site. It is a combination of mental, hormone, physical incidents... You have to be lucky also to find a good doctor who can supervise recovery and lead to correct decisions. Very frustrating...


@Tigressa50 Yes hard to find a good doc but I hope the techniques I show in the video help; they're the most common "self help" therapies.


That's quad stretches and VMO+gluts (wall squats an butt-kicks) exercises. Quad stretches do seem to help though. Funny thing is: hamstring stretches DON'T help. I always have a 'flare' after I do those.


Thank you for this video . Very informative . So in the end basic treatment would a lot of resting ? I'm starting a month without running and then a progressive return to it .
