Ubuntu 16.04: From Warty to Wimpy | Linux Action Show 413

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We review Ubuntu 16.04 & its various flavors. We discuss the new features that make this one of the most important Ubuntu releases in years & debate the major challenges that modern distributions have solved, that Ubuntu still struggles with.

Plus the latest stats show Ubuntu dominating where it counts, how Red Hat is making all that money, Linux in ALL the places, our weekly picks & more!

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Chris, please be more polite and stop cutting the other guy :) Everyone must have a say on things without getting interrupted.

Besides, he lets you talk for minutes without interruptions ;-)



no mpv controls, just use front end player like smplayer and set it up to use mpv instead of mplayer


lol chris saying antergos yeah ummm webkitgtk2 has broken on antergos twice first time it killed the display the second time it killed almost the whole entire login screen i personally say manjaro is the better arch distro i have not yet got a series of updates in manjaro that have killed my display or login or anything like that antergos has proven to me that sometimes bleeding edge can be very dangerous


I can just picture Noah going door to door saying: "Linux has a wonderful plan for your life."


I am really sick of stupid arch uses dissing ubuntu when arch is such a pain to install. Arch is no good for putting into production. Its just not in the same league as ubuntu. You use ubuntu because it is reliable and trusted. Arch does not even come close. There is not leader ship behind arch like there is with ubuntu. Chris Fisher Your comments are a joke


I went back with Ubuntu because of 'stability' & the '.deb' package.

Arch maybe convenient in one-click and forget it bleedin' edge package updates but... shit breaking down and trying to fix it... 😣😤😖


you are right, the ubuntu repo is a problem, the way to install packages is a problem, on the 14.04 branch i remember that they stayed long time with an outdated version of chromium ( with security issues and exploits ) on the ubuntu repo, and they didn't update it


Even if you disagree with Chris or Noah ... or BOTH, that back and forth after @1:03:00 is awesome!


Your theme on Ubuntu Unity has encouraged me to switch to Unity.


HOLY SHIT!! Noah is Short hahah well at least compared to Chris, I was expecting Noah to be taller than Chris xD


you are completely wrong on installing software in ubuntu


Chris, not to be rude but I think you are a bit misled on how software binaries interact. What you are talking about with xdg-app is application virtualization which has unacceptable overhead if used on a regular basis, and also requires Wayland. Imagine running everything in app-v or qubes.
There is really no way to ensure cross platform compatibility across distros without app sandboxing, which is also too limiting for regular apps. Sandboxing is too cumbersome for applications for daily desktop use. You essentially have to have a duplicate OS with all the needed libraries just to run something.
Even Windows or OS X are not this insane. Even though they have private copies of libraries, they don't have to have entire copies of Carbon, Visual c++, or .Net.
Different distros have different versions of glibc, Mesa and pulseaudio. You really can't go around that without testing your app for different versions of pulseaudio. You can't just cram core libraries into your "app bundle".


is that Mark Shuttelworth in the background? it looks kinda like him...


Here's a really good article where you can learn why calling it the "Linux subsystem for Windows" is just plain wrong:

I'm also not a fan of saying Gnu/Linux all the time, but when you take away the Linux and port Ubuntu's distro of Gnu to Windows, then there's just no Linux left in there at all. Calling it "Linux for Windows" is wrong at best and a punch in the face of Gnu authors at worst.


I am curious about the nature of why the university science project @30:00 that Noah developed was locked into RHEL. Not a critique necessarily. It is just that I would love to know for my own personal knowledge. It sounds like it was a cluster within a cluster - something like such, but again why locked specifically to RHEL ??


16.04 seems to have some issues. I've ran into a few myself. I'm big on Mint. I try new LTS releases of Ubuntu, but LTS launches can't include major bugs like this.


Are other features of Compiz active as well with Ubuntu Mate? I don't care about wobbly effects and such, but, if available, I do like running Expo with an active hot corner for switching between virtual desktops.


First time watching since Noah has been on (been on Podkicker Pro on the phone). I don't know what I thought Noah would look like... I just had an image of Matt 2.0 :)


intel drive problem on mint 17.3 on acer aspire 7741z-4433 srceen flicker every few days why didnt they put amd and intel drive subport in the system out of the box in hate small thing like that i was a windows user for a long time but they keep playing with my setting butt not on linux. the only problem i have is srceen tiaring every thing my self i like on linux but that....


I wanted to subscribe, and keep following but the constant interruptions from Chris put me off completely. It's so disrespectful. Noah gives him every opportunity to have his say. Chris doesn't give him the same courtesy. It ruins the episode completely. It's not fun to listen to.
