AI tools EVERY Amazon FBA seller needs..

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In this video, I sit down with my good friend Yoni Steinschriber, founder of Elev8 Brands and Amazon Expert.

We discuss new AI tools that we've been using that changed the game for Amazon Sellers.

These AI tools can help with:
🚀Amazon SEO
🚀Amazon PPC
🚀Data & Analytics
🚀Optimizing your listing
& more 🔥

If you use AI in your business the right way, it can help you get more results and save so much time.

My Resources 🏆
Amazon PPC Course (Updated as of 2024)
LIMITED TIME OFFER - $200 OFF PPC University Code YT24
I will be removing this code soon so take advantage now before I take it down!

Discounts 🤑

👍 Like, subscribe, and hit the bell for more tips on dominating Amazon FBA in 2024!

Any questions? Leave a comment below! I read & reply to all of them.

#amazonfba #amazonaitools #amazonppc
Рекомендации по теме

The people they want how to make marketing on amazon and you making marketing for this thing... Great Job


i am working in similar job, the ai tool you reccommend is so useful. waiting for your next


Mina, thank you for this video, it was very insightful! I have one PPC-related question. How do you keep track of the used target keywords and ASINs so that you do not unintentionally repeat them in identical campaigns (for example have the same keyword in 2 different exact match campaigns)?


Hi Mina, great video, very informative. I do have a question, are you suggesting that if we were to go into our own listing and ask it questions, rufus will retain those answers and perhaps formulate new prompted questions that will appear in the "ask rufus about this product" ?


Thanks! Awesome video. But I don’t think Rufus is going to be adopted that quickly, so we’ve got time to learn.


Woow! Thanks Mina Elias, Really great content like always🥰🥰🥰


please do SEO Optimization by data dive
