Final Account.problem#2 chapter#10

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Published on 18 Feb 2022
language of video is urdu/Hindi however the content you seen is in English language...
This video is for education purpose.This video will show you the information of the Topic and help you to understand direct expenses and how we can calculate gross profit in trading account and prepare revised Trail balance.
Problem 2 of Chapter 10 final account.
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@Accounting with syeda
pleas subscribe This Channel for more informative videos..
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language of video is urdu/Hindi however the content you seen is in English language...
This video is for education purpose.This video will show you the information of the Topic and help you to understand direct expenses and how we can calculate gross profit in trading account and prepare revised Trail balance.
Problem 2 of Chapter 10 final account.
if you have any problem....plz comment
@Accounting with syeda
pleas subscribe This Channel for more informative videos..
Thank you.
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