'We Chose the Sea' [Мы Выбрали Море] - Russian Naval Song

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Big thanks for @dragonegglol for providing the audio:

Lyrics, provided by @HermosFlutter and Sergey:

Порой штормовые встречают нас волны,
На палубе трудно порой удержаться.
И всё же всегда мы в готовности полной,
И с валом девятым готовы сражаться.

Мы все верны уставу, верны родному флагу,
И если вышли в море, то с подлинной отвагой.
Лишь преданных Отчизне ребят у нас найдёте
На корабле, на каждом, на всём Российском флоте.
На корабле, на каждом, на всём Российском флоте!

В походах мы поровну трудности делим,
Не видим родимого берега долго.
И мужеством вновь проверяем на деле
Мы чувство сыновнего нашего долга.

Мы все верны уставу, верны родному флагу,
И если вышли в море, то с подлинной отвагой.
Лишь преданных Отчизне ребят у нас найдёте
На корабле, на каждом, на всём Российском флоте.
На корабле, на каждом, на всём Российском флоте!

И радостно очень прийти из похода,
Почувствовать землю и шаг отпечатать,
И с песней пройти по родным небосводам
Да так, чтобы нам улыбнулись девчата!

Мы все верны уставу, верны родному флагу,
И если вышли в море, то с подлинной отвагой.
Лишь преданных Отчизне ребят у нас найдёте
На Северном, Балтийском, на Черноморском флоте,
На Тихоокеанском, на всём Российском флоте!


Sometimes the stormy waves greet us,
It is tough sometimes to hold onto the deck.
And still we are always at full readiness,
Even the ninth wave, we are ready to fight.

We all are faithful to the code, faithful to the home flag,
And if we went out to sea, then with genuine courage.
Only boys loyal to the Motherland will you find here
On every single ship, on all of the Russian fleet.
On every single ship, on all of the Russian fleet!

In voyages we split evenly the hardships,
Don’t get to see the home shores in so long.
And with valor we put to the test
Our sense of a son’s duty.

We all are faithful to the code, faithful to the home flag,
And if we went out to sea, then with genuine courage.
Only boys loyal to the Motherland will you find here
On every single ship, on all of the Russian fleet.
On every single ship, on all of the Russian fleet!

And very joyous it is to return from the voyage,
To feel the ground and to imprint a step,
And to with a step walk by the home firmaments
So that the girls would smile to us!

We all are faithful to the code, faithful to the home flag,
And if we went out to sea, then with genuine courage.
Only boys loyal to the Motherland will you find here
On the Northern, the Baltic, on the Black Sea fleet,
On the Pacific, on all of the Russian fleet!

We all are faithful to the code, faithful to the home flag,
And if we went out to sea, then with genuine courage.
Only boys loyal to the Motherland will you find here
On the Northern, the Baltic, on the Black Sea fleet,
On the Pacific, on all of the Russian fleet!
Рекомендации по теме

Big thanks to @dragonegglol for providing the audio:

Lyrics, provided by @HermosFlutter and Sergey:

Порой штормовые встречают нас волны,
На палубе трудно порой удержаться.
И всё же всегда мы в готовности полной,
И с валом девятым готовы сражаться.

Мы все верны уставу, верны родному флагу,
И если вышли в море, то с подлинной отвагой.
Лишь преданных Отчизне ребят у нас найдёте
На корабле, на каждом, на всём Российском флоте.
На корабле, на каждом, на всём Российском флоте!

В походах мы поровну трудности делим,
Не видим родимого берега долго.
И мужеством вновь проверяем на деле
Мы чувство сыновнего нашего долга.

Мы все верны уставу, верны родному флагу,
И если вышли в море, то с подлинной отвагой.
Лишь преданных Отчизне ребят у нас найдёте
На корабле, на каждом, на всём Российском флоте.
На корабле, на каждом, на всём Российском флоте!

И радостно очень прийти из похода,
Почувствовать землю и шаг отпечатать,
И с песней пройти по родным небосводам
Да так, чтобы нам улыбнулись девчата!

Мы все верны уставу, верны родному флагу,
И если вышли в море, то с подлинной отвагой.
Лишь преданных Отчизне ребят у нас найдёте
На Северном, Балтийском, на Черноморском флоте,
На Тихоокеанском, на всём Российском флоте!


Sometimes the stormy waves greet us,
It is tough sometimes to hold onto the deck.
And still we are always at full readiness,
Even the ninth wave, we are ready to fight.

We all are faithful to the code, faithful to the home flag,
And if we went out to sea, then with genuine courage.
Only boys loyal to the Motherland will you find here
On every single ship, on all of the Russian fleet.
On every single ship, on all of the Russian fleet!

In voyages we split evenly the hardships,
Don’t get to see the home shores in so long.
And with valor we put to the test
Our sense of a son’s duty.

We all are faithful to the code, faithful to the home flag,
And if we went out to sea, then with genuine courage.
Only boys loyal to the Motherland will you find here
On every single ship, on all of the Russian fleet.
On every single ship, on all of the Russian fleet!

And very joyous it is to return from the voyage,
To feel the ground and to imprint a step,
And to with a step walk by the home firmaments
So that the girls would smile to us!

We all are faithful to the code, faithful to the home flag,
And if we went out to sea, then with genuine courage.
Only boys loyal to the Motherland will you find here
On the Northern, the Baltic, on the Black Sea fleet,
On the Pacific, on all of the Russian fleet!

We all are faithful to the code, faithful to the home flag,
And if we went out to sea, then with genuine courage.
Only boys loyal to the Motherland will you find here
On the Northern, the Baltic, on the Black Sea fleet,
On the Pacific, on all of the Russian fleet!


My Uncle was a crew in an Kirov-class battlecruiser during USSR. I showed this to him it just maked him happy.


Dang, I love this naval song so much.


My Russian father was in the Soviet navy, he served in the Okhotsk sea for a long time, and told me many stories about his service


This whole video makes me imagine it's like the intro to like a 80's anime lol . The music and the pacing of the video and everything


I love how you put Soviet footage in the videos along with Russian footage



Poroy shtormovye vstrechayut nas volny,
Na palube trudno poroy uderzhat'sya.
I vsyo zhe vsegda my v gotovnosti polnoy,
I s valom debyatym gotovy srazhat'sya!

My vse verny ustavu, verny rodnomu flagu,
I esli vyshli v more, to s podlinnoy otvagoy.
Lish' predannykh Otchiznie rebyat u nas naydyote,
Na korable, na kazhdom, na vsyom Rossiyskom Flote.
Na korable, na kazhdom, na vsyom Rossiyskom Flote!

V pokhodakh my provnu trudnosti delim,
Ne vidim rodimogo berega dolgo.
I muzhestvom vnov' proveryaem na dele,
My chuvstvo synovnego nashego dolga!

My vse verny ustavu, verny rodnomu flagu,
I esli vyshli v more, to s podlinnoy otvagoy.
Lish' predannykh Otchiznie rebyat u nas naydyote,
Na korable, na kazhdom, na vsyom Rossiyskom Flote.
Na korable, na kazhdom, na vsyom Rossiyskom Flote!

I radostno ochen' priyti iz pokhoda,
Pochuvstovat' zemlyu i shag otpechatat'.
I s pesney proyti po rodnym nebesvodam,
Da tak, chtoby na ulybnulis' devchata!

My vse verny ustavu, verny rodnomu flagu,
I esli vyshli v more, to s podlinnoy otvagoy.
Lish' predannykh Otchiznie rebyat u nas naydyote,
Na Severnom, Baltiyskom, na Chernomorskom Flote,
Na Tikhookeanskom, na vsyom Rossiyskom Flote.

My vse verny ustavu, verny rodnomu flagu,
I esli vyshli v more, to s podlinnoy otvagoy.
Lish' predannykh Otchiznie rebyat u nas naydyote,
Na Severnom, Baltiyskom, na Chernomorskom Flote,
Na Tikhookeanskom, na vsyom Rossiyskom Flote!


I love this song so much. + Your audios are always so good.


bro is really enjoying playing the bass guitar


요한이는 이 군가 듣고나서 MBC의 이재은 차장님과 이지선 기자님과 이선영 앵커님과 엠비씨의 모든 기자님들과 엠비씨의 미녀 앵커님들을 사랑하고 여자 운동선수들도 사랑한다.


The Soviet and eventually Russian Navy grew on me.
One of the most misunderstood Navies. They follow a very different doctrine than the US Navy which is unfortunate when they get laughed at for not adhering to a US style Navy.

You can definitely see a different approach in how they design their ships and submarines. They emphasize heavily on air, underwater and area defence.


Ребята с пабедай пабеда завами берегите друзей берегите россию силами вас ждут дома


I guess you watched my video about the song, right?
Edit: Also, where’s the credit for English translation? My friend name Sergey helped me with the translation.


not again, this music got raided by yev 😭😭😭


Can I use this song's instrument on my fanfic?


This is a nice song, but a competant Russian navy is like a funny and lenient German. It doesn't exist.
