Elizabeth Vargas and Her Story of Anxiety, Alcoholism and Hope

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ABC News' Elizabeth Vargas sat down with Diane Sawyer to discuss her struggle with alcoholism and her road to recovery.
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One of the most powerful statements she made was “I would die for my kids but I couldn’t stop drinking for my kids”. Very raw and honest.


I can't thank Elizabeth enough for speaking up. She's literally a life saver.


I watched this is the rehab o attended and as of today I am 44 days sober. Thank you Elizabeth for sharing your story. ❤


I commend Elizabeth for her honesty & courage. Most people, especially well known, would hide their problem. It's really not anyone's business, she shared her story.. For that I have a lot of RESPECT for her!


.4 alcohol level, even with tolerance...she's so tiny, probably no food in her tummy. She's very blessed to be alive. I'm so proud she went public. We're all behind her, and she has the world to hold her accountable now. Good luck honey, we feel ur pain. We all have our vices.


I’ve been battling alcoholism for years at the age of 26. Countless treatments and bouts of hopeful times. I always come back to this documentary. Brings me to tears - every time! Thank you, Elizabeth for sharing your story.


As a recovering alcoholic myself, I applaud you for your strength and being open. You had me in tears, because so many of us can relate to you and your story, no matter what your position is in life. Thank you SO much for sharing this and letting others know the struggles of alcoholism. Much Love and appreciation to you, Elizabeth! PS, I'm also a big fan of your news casting! :-)


I lovvve Elizabeth V. Omgee thank you for your story...i too am in recovery 3yrs now..single mama getting her children back in my life! Amen


I LOVE people who have the courage to come out and expose themselves; knowing the ugliness of humanity will cast its self-righteous judgment and yet they do it anyway, they lay their soul bare for the betterment of others. Bless you and your family sweet Elizabeth.
The comment about not being able to forgive yourself touched me. Have you tried EMDR? It's amazing. I believe our children choose us and have lessons to learn from our mistakes as well. They will be stronger because of the strength you have shown.


I am so glad she is getting the help she needs. The key for anyone addicted to anything is to first admit they have the problem then admit they truly want help for the addiction. No one can do it for them it has to reach that point sadly and some never reach that point before it is too late sadly. Wishing Elizabeth the very very best....


Alcoholism is so hard. You want to be able to drink normally like everyone else but you just can’t and it’s soooo hard to accept. Would love to go have a beer with the boys but it’s never just one. It’s a battle we’ll always fight, keep fighting y’all. Keep fighting


I respect and appreciate every bit of the honesty this women here displays. Its takes a very strong person to open up this way 😊


I’m in the middle of this disease. Everything she said is so relatable. I’ve already gone through my divorce because of it I have lost custody because of it when she said she would die for her children but she couldn’t stop drinking for them. Oh my God, that’s so true. I applaud this woman for being so open and honest and brave now I need to find it for myself.


This takes so much courage. And to ABC news for not judging and firing her, they decided to support her and bring her back to work, you all are the hero’s. She is truly lucky.


It's weirdly comforting hearing somebody else couldn't say no to alcohol also, the battle with booze can only be understood by people who are going through it or have been through it. I hope one day I can talk about it in the past tense, it's pretty hard to describe to loved ones why you keep drinking when you know the consequences will end badly


Incredible bravery to open up to ALL the world about her pain. But what a victory!! It's likely her sons love her so much in spite of what happened. But I'm certain they will only love her MORE as they get older! They, too, will have struggles as they grow and journey through this life and Elizabeth, their mom, will be THAT example for them...and for their children...and for their grandchildren. Way to go, Elizabeth!


When she was crying about that song, I felt that.


I just feel sad, she is so smart and so pretty, with a wonderful job and great boys, it's too much to lose. I hope she can beat the alcohol and follow her dreams


Real, raw and courageous.
I love Elizabeth vargas and I'm glad she is doing well. Praying for her to stay sober and blessed.
God does have something better for u!


ABC News... Thank You for sharing your video of this Amazing story of Elizabeth Vargas on your Great channel. Very Special Interesting Woman indeed. I heard she was also born in Paterson, New Jersey. 😊 For so was I. 😉 Keep up the Awesome work. She is a very Strong Survivor and I really do Love her Courage Heart... God🙏Bless her.
