How to convert KML files (Google Earth) in ArcGIS Pro

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ArcGIS Pro, a powerful geographic information system (GIS) software developed by Esri, provides a variety of tools for data conversion. Some of the key conversion tools available in ArcGIS Pro include Table to Table, Feature Class to Feature Class, Raster to Other Format, Feature Class to Shapefile, Feature Class to Geodatabase, KML to Layer, and Excel to Table. These are just a few examples of the data conversion tools available in ArcGIS Pro.
in this video, we've gone over KML to layers conversion. this conversion converts keyhole Markup Language (KML) files to feature classes or shapefiles for use in ArcGIS Pro. Using Google Earth we've shown you step-by-step how to digitize and export a kml file and how to convert the kml file in ArcGIS Pro.

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Hello Sir,

I have a question.sir I have 4 kml in one folder polygon format.

Every polygons have their individual area in Hactare.

I import all kml file in arg gis pro and as usual show all kml in GIS pro.

But sir I want to ch check every kml (polygon) area in GIS can I measure area of kml in GIS pro..

Please help
