4 Ways You'll Get Tripped Up Speaking the Truth in Love

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How do I say what I need to say without sounding unloving?
In today's video, we'll talk about the 4 ways you'll get tripped up speaking the truth in love

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My husband gently shared a truth to a person, upon which she exploded and verbally attacked us; I left the room, she followed me then screamed abuse in my face; we left the house; two weeks later she verbally attacked me again. I drove away. We avoid this person like the plague. We shared the gospel with her, she threw scorn on it. Lord pls remove this person from my life.


Sadly the people in my life get offended even when I'm saying it nicely.


Thank you Chris for sharing this short, yet truth-filled, teaching. Wow ... I need to listen to it all again. Btw, you look well and great in that yellow jacket. God bless your ministries.


In my experience, the people around me don't like the truth. This is a great struggle for me, so I keep my mouth shut.


Not everything that comes out of the mouth comes from the heart great video


Kris, your perspective is refreshing. It's helped me so much. Thanks for sharing.


Amen Kris good stuff, very educational, spot on, God bless you my sista, I'm so grateful I had loving parents that showed me the truth, that disciplined me, I didn't understand then but now that I'm a parent I understand it now, God bless you Kris, Sold out for Jesus


This was articulated so incredibly well for me! Finally! Thank you!


Glory to God for this excellent teaching


Helpful video as always, self reflection- the most important thing!

This is what I need to understand and learn to do...In these days “climate” were people are lovers of themselves (in most cases), it’s better not to get involved with unnecessary interactions, rather address accurately what is happening around and instead of wasting your time by changing, correcting even thinking of someone who has the same very chances ( often even better) that you in order to correct himself/ herself, make spiritual, emotional, intellectual progress, it’s much wiser to focus on yourself and your interaction with God, so that you become a whole, mentally, emotionally stable person and that’s how you will be able to actually - not only help, but most importantly - discern who truly need help in their life journey and so you will not expose yourself to danger and regret later that you got involved.


Very nice, true whatever you said. God bless you.


So much truth to this and makes a lot of sense .. Thank you 💚😊


Thanks for sharing the truth in his word! God Bless!


We wrote a letter to someone with a difficult truth. They neither responded well nor "thought about it". They instantly became defensive and found every word or phrase they could to be offended or insulted by and then built a big story about how we "attacked" them and essentially they became the victim and we the hateful attackers. Then they changed the subject and tried to find ways they were actually the ones offended by us and really, we are the terrible people cause look how offended and hurt they are and they didn't deserve this and they didn't do anything wrong and their feeling are hurt and so really they are innocent doves and we are Satan's right hand man for daring to call out the issue.

It's one the most vile and twisted ways of dealing with an issue I've ever seen. They maintain this narrative that they are innocent and perfect but because our letter hurt their feelings, then we are actually the ones in the wrong, "causing drama", "having unforgiveness", and even "filled with hate".

This person is known to respond this way, they behave with zero accountability. Any time someone calls out an issue or offense, they play the same game of making themselves victims to such an extreme that it's the other person that has to come crawling back apologizing just to try and get peace again.
In other cases there is a mutual agreement to "just drop it and let it go" to get peace. Of course this means they never have to apologize or believe they ever did anything wrong, or be accountable. And they get to maintain their narrative that they were simply "attacked" for no reason. So no accountability at all for the original issue.
They create such an incredible stink that the offended party has to give up, let go, forget it, or beg the abuser for forgiveness that they ever brought it up in the first place.

If we stand our ground and essentially demand authentic repentance, they accuse us of "holding grudges" and "bitterness" and unrepentance (not that they apologized for anything, they didn't)
If we don't stand our ground, which is what most people eventually do, then they maintain their eternal innocence, believing they had never done anything wrong and were just "attacked" out of nowhere.

If we hold our ground, we are the bad guy. If we don't hold our ground, we're essentially admitting to all the false accusations of hating and attacking an innocent person.
Either way, they've manipulated the situation so we are the bad guy no matter what happens. The one thing that never happens is that the offender takes accountability for their actions and apologizes.

This is a narcissistic person who has destroyed dozens of relationships due to this pattern. But they are also Christian, and the church is basically calling for everybody to "get past it" and "let it go" for peace. Basically just like I said, forget it ever happened, they don't have to be accountable cause there are too many hurt feelings so can't we all just get along for peace?
Not even the church can break through the narcissist wall of victimhood self protection this person builds up to avoid accountability.
I'm at a loss.
We want to "treat them as an unbeliever" as scripture says, but the church is not allowing that as an option, they think just "laying it all aside" for peace is better.

All of this because they are so incredibly self protective against anyone bringing up an offense. They can't handle it, and do all this to try and make themselves the victim and the offended party the attacker.
