4 Steps to CMS Compliance - An Implementation and API Security Primer, WSO2 Webinar

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API security, patient consent management, and data privacy are fast becoming major design considerations for public healthcare APIs. While public APIs provide accessibility and the platform for innovation, they also significantly increase the risk of data breaches. The ideal solution provides full lifecycle API management with pre-built FHIR® APIs alongside powerful AI-driven API security protection and centralized monitoring.
By attending this online webinar, you will learn the best-practices for healthcare organizations to design, connect, secure and monitor their FHIR® API endpoints and adhere to Interoperability Compliance Requirements. The webinar will articulate 4 clear steps for healthcare organizations to plan for and meet ONC and CMS Patient Access final rule compliance.
* Design FHIR® compliant APIs that enable interoperability and the automate prior authorization process
* Connect and convert data from existing formats to FHIR® format using out-of-box data templates
* Make data available securely
* Monitor API user analytics and API activity tracking
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