Wildlife Photography Presentation - Best Techniques

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This video is a little different. I was invited to be a keynote speaker for the Chicago Area Photography School and this is the presentation I gave. Yes, it’s long – about 2 1/2 hours – but it’s jam-packed with tips, techniques, and advice.

When I put this presentation together, I chose topics and techniques that have had the biggest impact on my own photography – as well as the photography of those that I’ve coached both online and in workshops.

So, if you have the time, I think you’ll find it worthwhile. Enjoy!
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Only Steve Perry can keep me glued to the screen for 2.5 hours watching a YouTube video!


Getting down to eye level is easy.
Getting back up is a whole other discussion.


Consistently one of the most watchable and relatable and accessible experts in his field. Not only does he know his stuff but he communicates it brilliantly.


This is the best and most comprehensive bird/wildlife photography video I've found on youtube.


2.5hours of Steve Perry being Steve Perry, feels like Christmas day. Awsome


I have watched this video a few times and make a point to come back to it at least twice a year as a reminder of the fundamentals of wildlife photography since I'm only able to get out once or twice a week. Thank you Steve for posting this and all the work you put into your videos and books from your website.


This man is an international treasure. I learned so much about my D750 that i never even heard of before, and can now use it to my advantage. Thanks Steve!


At the time of watching I see there are 49, 877 more enlightened photographers. This is a good watch even for those with experience and even though I was aware of 90% of what was covered it doesn't hurt to have it reinforced, sometimes I think we all forget. I will mention for anyone that reads my comment the focus portion of the video was specific to Nikon cameras and while most of it holds true across brand some of the things are definitely different when using Sony mirrorless systems. A big one is how on a DSLR the lens opens up for focus on each exposure whereas depending on your settings and focus mode (AFS vs AFC) it will open to varying degrees on mirrorless. Another biggie is animal eye AF which is way more viable than I would have ever imagined. Anyways, excellent presentation, those that are lucky enough to find it will take the fast lane to learning many things I found out from trial and error in the field. One of the best tips in here is get out to your local park and shoot all the time, practice practice practice! Gulls and common birds can really be your friend when you're learning so when the rare star of the show comes along you don't blow the shot.


Out of all the videos I've watched in 2019 this has by far been the best. Outstanding presentation and information, you're awesome.


Best, most complete guide i have seen to date. I just hope not too many other folks sees this guide making my shots look more average ;)


Oh man.... A fair amount of these photos were taken, within an hour of where I live. Some are literally in my back yard! I shoot at these exact same locations, over and over again. Talk about inspiration... Thank you for this material!!!


I think loving your subjects also is the driving force that gets you out of the house and capturing them. It's what gives you the willpower and patience to wait for that perfect shot, by sitting in the dirt or the rain or jumping trekking through the forest or jungle.


I’m the process of watching this and I think it’s absolutely fantastic that you’ve put all of this video on YouTube! Many youtubers show the first 10mins then lock the rest on there website for a payment. Fantastic! Keep this up!!! 👍🏼


Steve, thanks for the countless hours of knowledge that you have shared. I feel that your photography is an inspiration not only to those who are photographers, but those who appreciate nature and wildlife.
One comment I wish to add, you had mentioned early in you presentation that you had received a bit of criticism for you auto mods. You truly are an Artist. Art is a form of expression. An artist should pic the tools that he/she they are comfortable using. I don't care if the choices are to finger paint or fine art brushes. It's the expression that counts. Additionally, those who are critical most likely haven't journeyed to the back country in the pre dawn hours, threw the snow in minus freezing conditions.
Best Regards


After watching this video I tried a lot of your tips. It has helped me so much. It completely changed my whole approach. Thank you. I will not only be following you from now on but I will also recommend you to my brother who is also a photographer and anyone else who will listen. Thanks again.


Mr Perry. Your photographs are beautiful and the fact that you shared all this experience and knowledge so selflessly is something truly wonderful. Thank you so much.


Im watching this over and over again while I'm in the woodshop. Steve is not one of the best. HE is the best!


Excellent video! Having purchased all of Steve's incredibly useful eBooks and having watched all his videos I'd been exposed to all of the material covered already but I found having it all together in one video really helped. Anyone out there who hasn't already tried back button focus should give it a try! It has literally revolutionized my wildlife photography and greatly increased my keep rate.


Wow. This video was EPIC. Thank you!

I’m a non-photographer who is going on a safari in South Africa.

So I purchased a DSLR and started learning how to make the most of the trip photo-wise.

This was by far the best video.

Before watching this, I went out for a walk with my cat and practiced taking pictures of him.

Most were blurry.

Now that I watched the video, I understand why and how to fix.

I’ll go out now and see if I can do better with all this knowledge.

Thank you! I’ll definitely buy one of your books.
