Apache Kafka Crash Course

Показать описание
Apache Kafka is a distributed stream processing software developed by LinkedIn and written in Scala and Java.
0:00 Intro
2:32 Kafka Broker
5:39 Kafka Producer
7:11 Kafka Consumer
8:34 Kafka Partitions
12:50 Queue vs Pub-Sub
16:47 Consumer Group
23:06 ZooKeeper
29:45 Coding Example
1:02:48 Kafka Pros-Cons
1:17:00 Summary
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In this video I want to focus on the basics of Kafka, talk about how it works give finally spin up a Kafka cluster and write a producer and a consumer.
Kafka Components
_ producer
How Kafka works
Example ( Ride sharing )
Spin Kafka cluster
Write a producer
Write a consumer
Kafka Applications
Pros and Cons
Source Code
Docker commands spin up kafka
//if you ever mess up or you want to start fresh just stop and remove the containers and rerun the command
docker stop zookeeper kafka
docker rm zookeeper kafka
docker run --name zookeeper -p 2181:2181 -d zookeeper
docker run -p 9092:9092 --name kafka -e KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=husseinmac:2181 -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://husseinmac:9092 -e KAFKA_OFFSETS_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR=1 -d confluentinc/cp-kafka
KIP 500 (Remove Zookeeper)
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🎙️ Mic Gear
Shure SM7B Cardioid Dynamic Microphone
XLR cables
Focusrite Audio Interface
📷 Camera Gear
Canon M50 Mark II
Micro HDMI to HDMI
Video capture card
AC Wall for constant power
Stay Awesome,
0:00 Intro
2:32 Kafka Broker
5:39 Kafka Producer
7:11 Kafka Consumer
8:34 Kafka Partitions
12:50 Queue vs Pub-Sub
16:47 Consumer Group
23:06 ZooKeeper
29:45 Coding Example
1:02:48 Kafka Pros-Cons
1:17:00 Summary
Download slides here
(Members get all slides for all my video courses for free)
In this video I want to focus on the basics of Kafka, talk about how it works give finally spin up a Kafka cluster and write a producer and a consumer.
Kafka Components
_ producer
How Kafka works
Example ( Ride sharing )
Spin Kafka cluster
Write a producer
Write a consumer
Kafka Applications
Pros and Cons
Source Code
Docker commands spin up kafka
//if you ever mess up or you want to start fresh just stop and remove the containers and rerun the command
docker stop zookeeper kafka
docker rm zookeeper kafka
docker run --name zookeeper -p 2181:2181 -d zookeeper
docker run -p 9092:9092 --name kafka -e KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=husseinmac:2181 -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://husseinmac:9092 -e KAFKA_OFFSETS_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR=1 -d confluentinc/cp-kafka
KIP 500 (Remove Zookeeper)
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Gears and tools used on the Channel (affiliates)
🖼️ Slides and Thumbnail Design
🎙️ Mic Gear
Shure SM7B Cardioid Dynamic Microphone
XLR cables
Focusrite Audio Interface
📷 Camera Gear
Canon M50 Mark II
Micro HDMI to HDMI
Video capture card
AC Wall for constant power
Stay Awesome,