Apache Kafka Crash Course

Показать описание
Apache Kafka is a distributed stream processing software developed by LinkedIn and written in Scala and Java.

0:00 Intro
2:32 Kafka Broker
5:39 Kafka Producer
7:11 Kafka Consumer
8:34 Kafka Partitions
12:50 Queue vs Pub-Sub
16:47 Consumer Group
23:06 ZooKeeper
29:45 Coding Example
1:02:48 Kafka Pros-Cons
1:17:00 Summary

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In this video I want to focus on the basics of Kafka, talk about how it works give finally spin up a Kafka cluster and write a producer and a consumer.

Kafka Components
_ producer
How Kafka works
Example ( Ride sharing )
Spin Kafka cluster
Write a producer
Write a consumer
Kafka Applications
Pros and Cons

Source Code

Docker commands spin up kafka
//if you ever mess up or you want to start fresh just stop and remove the containers and rerun the command

docker stop zookeeper kafka
docker rm zookeeper kafka

docker run --name zookeeper -p 2181:2181 -d zookeeper

docker run -p 9092:9092 --name kafka -e KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=husseinmac:2181 -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://husseinmac:9092 -e KAFKA_OFFSETS_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR=1 -d confluentinc/cp-kafka

KIP 500 (Remove Zookeeper)

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Рекомендации по теме

27:28 answer:
Every broker on a Kafka cluster is also named a Bootstrap Server. All brokers have the metadata required for the clients (producer or consumer) to discover brokers. When a client connects to one of the brokers (which are already configured as bootstrap servers in the Kafka configuration) it makes a "metadata request". The response includes information about topics, partitions, leader brokers, etc. Once the client gets this info, then - in the case of a producer- it makes the write request directly to the leader broker for that specific partition.


I always got demotivated by the complexity I experienced when I tried to learn this on my own but this one is a gem. I know it might have taken a lot of learning and experience for you to explains this in a simple manner Nevertheless thank you for sharing your knowledge!


Great tutorial as always. Literally a crash course fit into about an hour. Has everything to get started with kafka, especially because of the hands on.


I rarely comment on videos but this was genuinely one of the best computer science tutorials I've ever seen!


did not feel like a tutorial, but like a friendly chat between deeply connected friends, every word makes clear sense. Kept me engaged every second till the end, yes I made to the end. Well done Sire... 👏👏👏


i had to deal with Kafka in one of my project, so searched for some tutorials, As soon as I saw that you have made a video on this, i had a sense of relief that i dont have to worry about the resource atleast. Thanks for all your efforts man.


I just wanted to express my heartfelt appreciation for the amazing Kafka crash course, Your dedication to simplifying complex topics shines through, and I can't thank you enough for making Kafka so much easier to understand.


how do you only have 23k subs?? you're so good at explaining difficult concepts, tysm!


I didn't know you before this video, but after this video? I'm gonna watch everything you upload man. Every tutorial you're selling? I'm buying! Obviously I liked & subscribed.


Thanks, I feel like I learned everything I need to know about Apache Kafka from this video. Sure, there are more advanced concepts. But this is the essence.


Another perfect tutorial. Everything is explained very nicely. Thanks for making Kafka easy to understand in this tutorial.


I just watched your RabbitMQ crash course and at the end of the video you mention how Kafka better at some point, then I bumped into this great video. Very clear explanation, love your video!


Dude, I made it to the End. You kept us engaged throughout. I have soo much to learn about Comp Sci!


this is the only tutorial i found that go in the depth and details of a pro should know, and i can compare Kafka with other messaging system like JMS and MQ. Thanks so much for sharing👍👏🙏


This was an awesome tutorial. You're incredibly good at explaining things and keeping people engaged when consuming so much information.


One of the best tutorials i’ve seen. Great class and very funny. Subscribed and waiting for more content!


This is well detailed even for a beginner, I completely understand whats going on. Brilliant content.


Course Table of Content time codes: (EDIT you should also see youtube chapters)

Download slides here

Kafka Broker: 2:32
Kafka Producer: 5:39
Kafka Consumer : 7:11
Kafka Partitions : 8:34
Queue vs Pub/Sub 12:50
Consumer Group 16:47
ZooKeeper 23:06
Example 29:45
Kafka Pros & Cons 1:02:48
Summary: 1:17:00

Example time codes
Spin up Zookeeper 31:37
SPin up Kafka 34:00
Connect to Kafka (40:30)
Create Kafka Topic (45:30)
Create a Producer (49:44)
Create a Consumer (55:24)
Final test (1:00:00)


bro your tone when explaining these videos are so good. Didn't even feel like someone was teacahing me. It was as if a friend was talking to me lol. Good job man. Your excitement is intoxicating. :)


I made it to the end. :P Thank you so much for the amazing content Hussein.