Why Does Anything Exist?

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Have you ever asked yourself why does anything exist? Why is there a Universe? Why is there something rather than nothing? This is an old question that lots of people have pondered. There could have been nothing. It might have been easier. Instead, there is something. The universe exists.


Edited by:
Ardit Bicaj

Narrated by:
Russell Archey

Space Engine
Universe Sandbox 2

The Mole - Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen
Grieving Volcano - Dew Of Light
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Yes, I've pondered on this topic before. And then slowly my thoughts started driving me crazy... Some confusing thoughts, some contradictory thoughts, some unanswered questions, some questions whose answers are unimaginable for now and some complicated thoughts came to mind. So, to keep myself mentally healthy, I left the topic right there.


Since being in my mid twenties I’ve always wondered how did it all come to be how does it exist do we really exist? Sometimes you just have to go outside take a breath and just be grateful for what is, be happy we get to experience it


Since i gained conciousness about the world i always wondered this one question
What is the earth? Oh its a small dot in a solar system
Well what is solar system? Oh its a
the smallest spec in our galaxy
Well... What is a galaxy? Oh it an even more insignificant spiral in the universe
Woah .... Well ... What is the universe? more like
Where is the universe? Well we dont know but it started with a big bang BUT WHERE DID THE BIG BANG HAPPENED
Why do i or anything exist ?
I hope i find out the next step in my life time until then i shall wonder and be absolutely be terrified with my existence until death


I can’t even comprehend nothing existing before this universe, and I can’t even comprehend eternity, I wonder how some of you can get your heads around the reason for anything existing in the first place, the only thing that makes sense to me is that there should be nothing existing at all, but the fact it does at an unimaginable scale frightens me to the core especially thinking about it’s origin. Some people have it easy believing it came from nothing wish I could understand how you come to that solution.


I ask this question every single day 😂


If there were no conscious agents to observe the universe, would any of it really exist?


A vacuum isn't nothing, it's a vacuum. Space isn't nothing, it's space. Nothing is inconceivable because even the concept of nothing is something.


Real question is why anything exist the way it exist, like why exist planet, universe, people, atoms, god (imagine anything u know), imagine we are in the game and everything u know and will ever know exist only in this game, and what happens when we quit this game? And even if some species created us, why they exist the way they exist, what is this game?


Should not have watched this before breakfast, Way to early to have my brain work this hard


I love Space videos, weather it's Space related Physics, String Theory, Quantum Mechanics or videos like this "which are my fav" i love it all, great video CosmoKnowledge.


That is why Shiva has always made sense to me. Shi-va means no-thing, the vast nothingness but it is the dimension beyond shoonya (zero), it is no-thing yet it exist. When we personified this shi-va, it becomes Shiva. He says, "I am everything, and I am nothing."

Shiva is masculine, the absolute stillness. His companion is Shakti, feminine, the movement, the life. Shakti means force or energy, English language doesn't have exact translation for these words though.


I ask this question everyday before sleeping


Just be thankfull you exist here and now for whatever reason it truely is remarkable


It's a scary and fascinating thought to think about why or how anything even exists. What is anything? How does anything even exist?


Last question on the school exam be like:


Why do we exist
Why does the earth exist
Why do cells exist
Why does time exist
Why does space exist
Why does the universe exist
How did the big bang happen
Why does the thing that made the big bang exist?
It's crazy to think what would happen if nothing was here

Not even a endless white void
Even nothing is nothing
Where would we be?


Wow... didn't really plan to stay up late tonite but looks like I'm binge-watching Cosmoknowledge!!! Great stuff and so glad to be tapped into this thought stream. I really like how you take interesting and sometimes hard to comprehend material and present it in a straight forward way with good graphics and really good music! Definitely Subbed... but PLEASE don't let the "Flat Earthers" know that the Universe is flat, we will never hear the end of it. 😅


food for thought, nice topic with quality content and video, nice narration and of course the BGM is spot on!


I know why everything exists. But, I'm not letting you in on it. You would quit putting out these cool videos.


Is so hard to explain the feeling of thinking about the fact that at the point 0 of everything was just nothing, nothing, everything was created like a game, idk is just so hard to explain . But image that in this life, universe, space, I DONT KNOW HOW TO CALL EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS.. was just nothing, like blank space, nothing, no parallel universes, just nothing, not even a microscophic object, no air, no gravity, so is so hard to explain the actual begin of everything
