BKT - Birių Krovinių Terminalas: Corporate Video

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We are a genuine definition of efficiency, agility and growth.
JSC BIRIU KROVINIU TERMINALAS (BKT) specialises in handling bulk mineral fertilisers. Since the company began its activities in 1997, the BKT has become the biggest terminal in the port of Klaipeda and one of the most efficient stevedoring companies in Europe. In the last decade alone, the terminal’s fertilizer handling increased 7 times in terms of the number of tonnes handled.
The BKT continues to grow and invest in new technologies, equipment, infrastructure and enhance human resources. Our culture is one centred around staff performance; we recognise and reward success in addition to encouraging employee development and career opportunities. The BKT employees are leaders in their own field, successfully taking the advantage of dynamic conditions at the port of Klaipeda.
JSC BIRIU KROVINIU TERMINALAS (BKT) specialises in handling bulk mineral fertilisers. Since the company began its activities in 1997, the BKT has become the biggest terminal in the port of Klaipeda and one of the most efficient stevedoring companies in Europe. In the last decade alone, the terminal’s fertilizer handling increased 7 times in terms of the number of tonnes handled.
The BKT continues to grow and invest in new technologies, equipment, infrastructure and enhance human resources. Our culture is one centred around staff performance; we recognise and reward success in addition to encouraging employee development and career opportunities. The BKT employees are leaders in their own field, successfully taking the advantage of dynamic conditions at the port of Klaipeda.
BKT - Birių Krovinių Terminalas: Corporate Video
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