No more spore drive in Disco Season 4? - Discussion

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they were just testing out their new warp core after ejecting the old one. just a short trip around the block


They don’t want everyone knowing about the spore drive. It’s to be used in emergencies only.


Real reason, end the season with a cool visual. My theory, the spore drive is being kept secret. So the plan is to warp in and away from every location, until they are out of scanner range. Then they spore jump once out of scanner range.


As it’s the final scene in the season It’s the Star Trek version of riding into the sunset. I think it’s as simple as that. If they spored the final science would be just looking at a black backdrop.


I agree with everything you guys said... and full disclosure I'm not the biggest Disco fan.... BUT, there is something cathartic about a Star Trek episode/movie/season ending with the hero ship warping off to a new adventure. it's kind of built into the DNA of Trek, so if it's only paying homage to that tradition then I'm ok discarding the theories behind it in-universe


And the main shuttle bay door is finale closed


1) Travelling at warp before finding the massive supply of dilithium would have had to be limited to lower speeds because the faster you go the more you risk damaging the limited dilithium crystals that you do have. This has been mentioned in TNG and is part of the reason why they don't go to maximum warp each time they need to get somewhere.
2) The nearest planet is probably within warp distance anyway but others they would probably spore to especially as they would have to travel back on themselves.
3) I would agree that spores are limited. Keep them in reserve for emergencies. Delivering dilithium wouldn't be an emergency as they've survived with limited supplies for decades.
4) They probably still want to keep sporing a little bit more confidential as it's still a powerful weapon and makes Discovery a target (also the reason they didn't use it all the time in season 1).
5) It's symbolic as Stuart said. :-)


The real reason is that it looks cooler and makes the “let’s fly!” Line work, because you drop into the spore drive less so than fly.


They did also say that they only recently started mining the dilithium. If discovery jumped to the planet, they'd be just sitting there twiddling their thumbs.


It's a flying 'Dilithium is Back!' billboard. Can't show that off with the Spore Drive. Besides, if everybody sees the SD in action, they'd want that instead.


I don't understand why in S3 there was such little story development on the federation researching the spore drive. At the beginning it appeared to solve all of their problems so I can't imagine why they wouldn't pump as much as they could into R&D. You'd think they would have done research to figure out a way for others other than Stamets to pilot it. At the end they figured out by chance that the Kwejian can pilot it, and yet the federation was still super happy by the discovery of this dilithium planet, when I would have thought they'd be over the moon with figuring out a core problem with the spore drive.


I'm going to go with the old standard, everyone loves to see a ship warp into the great out there at the end of a movie / season. That's the nice thing about warp, you can sort of just go out there ... The Spore Drives needs a specific destination ... which isn't as interesting at the end of the series. I think the Discovery is being used as a dilithium carrying service precisely because of the spore drive. A second thought is that she doesn't want to piss off Stamets who is still seen as giving her the evil eye / cold shoulder at the end of the series. Remember in this series "egos" are more important than "technology."


Starfleet may want to keep the spore drive secret from other worlds.


Why didn't they use Warp? Because they needed Stamets and Book (more specifically... they needed the actors) on the bridge to be part of the welcoming party for Captain Burnham's arrival!


So, if Booke can use the spore drive, does this mean that he will have his own arc where he experiences what Stamets did with the brain restructuring and eventually end up in a coma and have to have the whole network put inside his head, and they accidentally jump to yet another parallel reality?


I’d like to see Picard in one of those new Dr. Evil uniforms.


The reason is hey here is a fuel that has instantaneously killed billions before but we swear it's safe now oh by the way we don't use it ourselves. Rather sketchy to me. Yes I know it's a regulating material not a fuel but trying to make a point


the reason is... because all the seasons of new trek (discovery, Piccard and even Lower Decks) have ended with either a ship dropping out of Warp (Enterprise at the end of DISCO season 1), or jumping into warp (Enterprise at the end of DISCO season 2, the La Sirene at the end of Piccard season 1, and the Titan at the end of Lower decks season 1). Plus visually ending the series with the ship jumping into warp, with the elongation effect as it jumps from sub-light speeds to warp speeds, is just far more visually pleasing and epic than the spinning and turning of the spore jump, as we see the ships propelling themselves into the vastness of space, going boldly where no one has gone before.


Based on how disco doesn't seem to care about practical things (ie turbolift city) I'd say the showrunners were going for a kinda of nostalgia with the TOS theme music. Warping out "works" better with the TOS theme than jumping out does. They didn't think about how warping out for the dilithium delivery mission doesn't actually make any sense.


Reason for warp is simple, the federation, and starfleet, don't have the same reputation they used to have, and rumour that because of them the Emerald Chain has fallen would also spread, now of course this news would be a reason for joy, but also concern. Remember, it was stated that, atleast from the perspective of Ni'var, and earth, aswell as some couriers etc, the Federation weren't as high and mighty anymore, also potentially including morale. Now imagine being on planet x, getting the news that the Emerald chain fell due to the Federation, and Boom, the U.S.S Discovery suddenly appears at your doorstep, it could appear threatening, as if the Federation would place them selfs above the rest once again "oowh Dilithium was scarce, well, we have this awesome spore drive, so here, have the Dilithium, become buds again? We also have this phaser and torpedoes already within reach, and we can just spore jump away, remember that" (Bigger boat/gun-diplomacy) (( remember, At Ni'var they were expecting Discovery, but still acted with a lot of caution))
