These FREE CHAMPS are 100% BAIT!? (WORST CHAMPIONS) - Raid Shadow Legends Beginner Guide

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Some of these y'all MIGHT disagree with... Have I UNDERRATED any of these champs, or did I miss a few more dumpster free champs??


For sure Yannica is a great addition to your roster. Having only dabble a bit in Raid, she for sure pulls her weight. Plus you need to spend those clan shop coins on something. Getting a free Lego is worth your time.


Hydra is extremely important. If you went for the wixwell fusion, you should 100 percent get and max yannica the duo is very good for hydra!


Yannica is still a valuable build, even if only for faction wars. I dont think in 6 months someone will have a powerful roster for High Elves, and she hits pretty hard.
in hydra, in conjunction with Wixwell, she'll do really nice. I'm planning to upgrade here now


Hound Spawn is also a useful campaign rare, if you get his brother Hellfang. He hits hard. The pair of them are good for faction wars until you get a team's worth of good epic and lego Demonspawn. Team freeze + hard nuke.


Heiress works real good as well, like the others - stop at 50


would love to see a progression update like every 30 days where you show us all the content you progress inn the last 30 days and which heros you build your plans etc....


You should mention gathering champions toward fusions like Broadmaw


I’m only a week into my account, and my current focus is 60ing my Karl, but I have him at 50 and Petryfia at 40 on my clan boss team and hit over 1.5 million per key on normal and easy


I used Yaga as food the moment I got him lol. I still have hope for Dark Athel though. I hope they buff her. And Lordly Legionary, I've pulled 2 of him, so I already know he sucks before I even get him as a log in champ. yes he is a fire knight specialist, but I don't need that on my account. He absolutely sucks. And if you think about keeping him just for fire knight, you might as well keep Yaga too because Yaga is great for 1 specific stage in cursed city. same principle, one trick ponies are bad, unless it's something like faction wars, because that awards you with a fantastic champion when you finish them. since I have 2 of them, I use them as faction guardians, so thi third one might just be used to empower the one I already leveled up.
Dark Elhain is pretty good, I got her 4 days ago, I'm leveling her up now. I also have a level 60 Ghrush the mangler. I kinda regret leveling him to 60 so early, but he's useful for something I think.
Yannica is part of the Wixwell cheese comp for hydra. you build up a massive shield, then you let the hydra steal it and then Yannica blows up the shield one-shotting all the heads


DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT build, invest books or masteries into Yannica. UNLESS, you desperately need an Arena Nuker.


Bro Yannica is damn good at wave clear.
When fully booked just put her in savage/lethal fr nuking.
Stun set for doom tower wave clear.
She cycles to her A2 quite fast which enables her A1 to become AoE and also her her with leeches.
I use her for my mino farming team.
After the wixwell nerf she still has a lot of uses.


Ur ratings confuse me. U seem a bit green gameleap


Such waisted potential in so many of these Champs. I wish they would fix these terrible champions.


Oh man, them fightin words you throwing... Tanix worst log-in champion. Nowhere close. she's one of the best. I been at this shit for years. and back when Duchess was the only damn revive in demon spawn, and impossible to get, and before other nerfs hit. the KEY to stage 21 3 star faction wars in demons was Tanix, Love this champion. then Hydra, man Tanix is a monster of an early game hydra team I 100% suggest you build tanix if you don't have aoe decrase speed. that debuff is about one of the most important you can bring to a hydra team, and she has a great passive... if you look at the passive and say nah I don't see it. Read guardian set, then look at her passive again. I'm gonna shout out dark athel too hydra. I gave her a good attempt at hard with some not so useful champs. you got a decrease defense a1, and guess what. aoe decrease speed a2. I did find you gotta really put the work into keeping her alive, but i clocked a 75 million run with her in the team built as one of the damage dealers. Understanding something about Hydra, you maybe allowed to bring 6 champions, but the amount of buffs/debuffs really required, you need champions to fill multiple roles. Both of these free log-in champions can fill roles in Hydra. and I'll argue that they right now have a place in early to mid game hydra till you have better. and hydra rewards are something EVERYONE should go for. Mithrala is a beast of a champion, you get souls. you get gear. And these terrible log in champions will help you get there.


Athel is pronounced with a short a, not a long a. You don't say Ethel with a long e.
