Dyslexia and Self-Esteem Problems - Dyslexia Connect

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For children, teenagers and adults with dyslexia, struggles with low self-esteem are very common. What is the main cause of this issue? Students with dyslexia often suffer from low self-esteem, because of their struggles with reading, spelling, reading comprehension and writing. These struggles often result in problems with school and homework. Additionally, there may not be anyone around who understands the student's dyslexia and explains it to them. As a result, the student's self-esteem suffers, and they start to believe that their struggles are a result of them being incapable, or not smart enough to succeed.

This typically occurs with a student who has not been identified as having dyslexia, and has not received help from a dyslexia tutoring and dyslexia treatment program. If dyslexia is caught early, and a child gets help for their dyslexia from an early age, this huge self-esteem drop can often be avoided. In this case, by the time a child with dyslexia has started to become really conscious of dyslexia and the struggles it causes, they have already acquired a good understanding of it and have made a lot of progress! Consequently, they do not experience the same self-esteem drop.

What can we do to help a student with dyslexia increase their self-esteem? One of the best ways to help them is to enroll them in a dyslexia tutoring and dyslexia treatment program. By working with a skilled dyslexia tutor, the student will get the exact help that they need to improve their reading, spelling, reading comprehension and writing. In addition, good dyslexia tutors are excellent at helping a student understand their dyslexia and realize that they can still succeed!

Another great way to help students with dyslexia build self-esteem is to invest in their interests. Try to learn what the child is interested in, and encourage them to pursue these interests. If they are interested in music, arrange to have them take music lessons. If they like art, see if you can sign them up for a class or have them mentored by a local artist. If they are interested in entrepreneurship, they could start a home business. If you are not sure what your child is interested in, try having conversations with them about this. Think about what they tend to talk about or mention a lot. Sometimes, a child's interests can be quashed by learning difficulties and struggles. If you think that this may be the case, try thinking about what the child was interested in before they started having those difficulties, and encourage them to pursue those interests again.

By encouraging interests, you will help a child with dyslexia build self-esteem. One of the great things about this is that self-esteem built in any area will effect all ares of a child's life in a positive way! If they feel good about themselves, because of a certain talent or activity, this will encourage them in their pursuit of better reading and spelling.

Peter Groth
Dyslexia Connect Online Tutoring
Рекомендации по теме

School support is not enough: You also need to feel supportted by your family


I wish I had this when I was young. I always said that no one spoke to me to find out about me, it was easier to write me off. Lucky my mother used to tell me I was not dull and also told me I was more curious that my more academic siblings. I remember friends telling me I wanted to know the in's and outs of a ducks ***.


I have dyslexia and have been fired most places that I have worked. It's not my fault and everyone blame me, embarrass me in front of everyone at work. Now I am a recluse.
Too bad.


My mom would get frustrated with me and compare me to her best friend’s daughter that was a bookworm.

My mom never told me I had dyslexia growing up but I was pulled out of class for special tutoring and had to study “hooked on phonics” everyday after school. It was awful. To add I was an awkward introverted child so consequently I was bullied.


My son's self esteem is very low. He is 8 I recently realized he is dyslexic. I try to help him but what exactly can I do to help him learn to read.


dyslexia tutoring is difficult to find where I live. How can I teach my child to read at home?


hey, I think I have dyslexia, but I have never been tested. I struggle with reading a lot and spelling but I don't have money for Tutor


Really interesting, thanks !!
Do you work with dyslexic children in schools or in family ?


I think I have dyslexia, but I have never been tested. I struggle with reading so much to the point I hav gust given up on reading. My speeling is terible and my riting skills are not God as far as comprehension and gramer. I havn't told my parents because of the fear that thay will think I'm ovrezagerating. I hav told my teachers at schol and the learning suport teachers. How do You think I soud ask my parents for me to be tested. And also, form this coment do you think I show sins of dyslexia. South Australia


Do you have an email address? I would like to ask more in depth questions about this topic, please? Thank you


I have this but I don't know if I'm dislexic I watched both of the sighn in those videos and the have everyone of them money is tight so I can't get testeb Wat to I do?


I have been bulled for having bislesa I think I spell that wrong


why would anyone decide to come up with such a hardly spelled words for diagnose for people who have problem with spelling and reading
