Evidences of God's Grace in the New Calvinism

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Whatever else we can say about New Calvinism—and there’s lots to say—we can’t deny this: It displays many evidences of God’s grace. It is beyond dispute that God has been blessing his people and glorifying his name through this movement. In this video I want to point out 6 evidences of God’s grace in this Reformed resurgence.
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I grew up in a charismatic AG church in western Pennsylvania. It's refreshing to stumble upon this channel and get some real grounding in my theology from those like Tim, Paul Wascher, and John MacArthur. people in my church frequently "fell out in the Spirit", and abused the gift of tongues and prophecy. I even went to Hillsong college in Sydney, Australia and got more brainwashed. My wife and I are slowly learning true doctrine. thank you so much for sharing Tim.


Calvinism, for all its intellectual and spiritual pretensions, misunderstands not only God’s sovereignty, but also grace itself. It mashes it all into a logic-driven, man-made theological system.
As they say, Christianity and Calvinism may share the same vocabulary but they have a different dictionary.


I used to believe strongly in every negative comment written below, until, I read the "The Institutes of Christian Religion" by John Calvin and edited by Tony Lane. And I do agree with the comment that Calvin probably would roll over in his grave to find out there was a movement called 'Calvinism' that was named after him. I do believe if you give Mr. Calvin a fair shake him read that book you will change your mind about him and his teachings. ( in my case the book changed my life ). Calvin Is so respectful of God and his word. You may not agree with everything he says ( I don't agree with everything anybody says ), but you certainly will see that he is a 'man of God' who loves Him dearly. He certainly can be called our brother in Christ! May God flood you with his fulfilling mercies.


“they are two lines that are so nearly parallel, that the mind that shall pursue them farthest, will never discover that they converge; but they do converge, and they will meet somewhere in eternity, close to the throne of God, whence all truth doth spring.” Charles Spurgeon.

Now by quoting Charles Spurgeon some may think that I am a “Calvinist, ” but I’m not, I’m one who is simply trying to follow Jesus. I learned of that quote from someone on Alistair Begg’s staff. It helped me at the time and I think great Christian leaders should learn from him, that that is not what we should argue about. I believe both man’s responsibility AND God’s complete sovereignty are taught AS TRUTH in the Scripture. I tend to think that Satan is thrilled with this controversy in the Church. Anything that causes us to get the least bit angry or upset with one another is fuel for his fire. I believe in some of the tenets of John Calvin are surely in the Bible, but I think at times he was a religious dictator. I’ve been a part of a local Church that split over this 13 years ago and is just now beginning to recover. Satan has used this to his advantage and we have let him. Please fellow believers, this is a secondary issue, don’t let it become a test for fellowship. “ they will know we are Christians by our love.”


Wait ! So I'm a Christian not because I believe in my heart on jesus dying for my sins, but because I got lucky before I was born? Hogwash!!!! John 3:16, 2 peter 3:9.


Your explanation was excellent! Thank you


Calvinist Dictionary

All: The elect.

Everyone: The elect.

Kosmos: Greek word that means “The elect”.

Whosoever: The elect.

World: The elect.


Enthusiasm for Sound Doctrine, Local Church Centrality, Biblical Ecumenism, International Impact, Deploying New Technologies, Grounding in Church History!!!


Thank you for introducing me to Wayne Grudem’s book!


I don't like the name "New Calvinism." I strongly prefer "Reformed" or believing in the doctrines of grace. If Calvin was alive today, he would not like the name. Calvin wanted all the glory to go to God, not any man, including himself. Many other Christians are completely turned off at the mention of the name "Calvin" even though they may believe in much of what he taught.


I have been so blessed by the New Calvinism movement and organizations like TGC, Desiring God and faithful Godly men like Piper, Sproul, and DeYoung. Wayne Grudem's book is on my list!!


Would love to hear an update to this video to see the status of the YRR.


Why do Calvinists always seem angry?  Even when John MacArthur is preaching about God's love, he seems ill tempered. Maybe I'm more sensitive to it because I grew up under a hell fire and brimstone preaching where the preacher was always yelling, but not a Calvinist. One other thing that has bothered me about Calvinism comes from John Piper.I was at his church, Bethlehem Baptist,   which was wonderful and they still sang the old hymns, but at the end of the message he said if anyone wonderd if they were the elect, they should go home and work it out for themselves.  There was no offer to sit and reason together and show from Scripture how to be saved.  Anyway, I colored my view of Calvinism.


New calvinism is one of the best things that could have happened to America. The doctrines of grace taught by the Reformers need to come back and be central in the Church. With that said, now many churches are new calvinist ? Not that many. I think new calvinists have a strong presence in the internet, and also they have some very strong pastors that are well known, and conferences with speakers. Yet new calvinists are a minority in the local church, I live in a City of 1 million people and there is only one church that I would consider new calvinist. So new calvinists do not dominate the local church, with the exception of a few megachurch pastors (which are in very few cities), in the same way they dominate the internet, conferences, books etc. The biggest challenge for the new calvinist is to plant more local churches, or plant local churches in every american city, I know this sounds ambitious but I honestly believe that new calvinism is under represented in the number of local churches.


Mark 13:27 27And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.

Matthew 24:31 31And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

Ephesian 1

Colossians 3:12-14

2Thess. 2:13-15

Romans 8:29-30

2Timothy 2:10

John 6:37-40


Great content Brother Tim! Just FYI: Hawaii is missing on the wall behind you! Lol


Tim Challies.
The new calvinism, just like calvinism and the reformed church, need the grace of God, because they teach erroneous beliefs. So if it wasn't for God's grace, they would be dead now, or at least, in serious trust.
You cannot twist the scriptures the way Calvinist's do, and expect God's blessings.


Read the recent book "The Foundation of Augustinian-Calvinism" by Dr. Ken Wilson, to see why Augustine attempted to explain how infants could become the "elect" through water baptism. Since the child had not come to faith, it must be based on the will of another. It could have nothing to do with the will of the child.


I really need to know why Calvinists always end up getting angry at me when I try to engage or ask questions. All they do is throw scriptures at me. I've been a Christian for 40 years. I don't have to throw scriptures back at them when I'm challenging their doctrine . The Holy Spirit lives in me guides my words as I interact with them.
Please tell me why Calvinists get angry, throw scriptures at me, and don't answer my questions. They think that they're sound doctrinally just because of the scriptures they share. A guy last night accused me of being in a cult. Not a non-Calvinist, but a cult!!

What's up with these people? They're all the same. They remind me of Jehovah's witnesses and Mormons that come to my door and vomit scriptures on me.

Please tell me!


Scientology, Jehovah Witness, Mormons and now New Calvinism, thankyou USA, so grateful for your cults
