Citizen's Response to North River Farms (Integral Communities) Latest Propaganda Video

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Compare real facts about the proposed housing developement, "North River Farms," and what it means to Oceanside, to propaganda, and make up your own mind. Don't be mislead by developers, or groups (political) who take developer money. Most importantly - VOTE!!!
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Thank you for this educational video, as one who is being targeted by them and sued in court for nothing more than "being a treasurer" of a pac, and having the audacity to raise money to fund the Oceanside referendum challenging that council vote, I can assure everyone watching that this information ^^ is spot-on. More information available at the public facebook group: Oceanside Votes


You presented a very thorough and important case. However, it’s hard to tell how many people would sit through a long presentation of facts, as damning as they may be. I thought the song over the images was gold, though. (I would have preferred Bach, but there probably wasn’t anything relevant in his body of work.)
I know: emotions, emotions, emotions. As a retired physicist, I value facts and logic and reason. As someone trying to sway voters, I understand that facts alone change very few minds – ever – at any political level. But, if it ever comes up again, I could see that song becoming a meme, always with images of rural Oside and always with annotation to the effect “Yes on A. No on B.” I don’t know about the legalities, but I could see short posts of that going viral on all sorts of social media.
