How this Normal Guy learnt Planche in ONLY 74 Days

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Are you looking for a way to improve your planche training? If so, you've come to the right place! In this video, I'll show you how these guys learnt planche in ONLY 74 days – without any special exercises or techniques!

These secret planche training tips are simple and easy to follow, and it will help you achieve great progress in your planche training. I'll also give you tips on how to speed up your progress and make sure that you're getting the most out of your planche training. So if you're looking for a way to improve your planche training, then this is the video for you!

📈 PERSONAL COACHING: Struggling with Planche? I'm here to help.


Thanks to the guys in the video who spent the time to send in clips and share their experiences!
Nathan - ?

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#calisthenics #planche #fitness
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Short + Greek god upper body + chicken legs, anything is possible


This was a really good video concept introducing different athletes from different backgrounds. Good stuff Jake!


Great video! I can'r stress enough how important the mindset is, I've seen countless guys with a bad mindset getting no progress or injured. It's a vicious cycle, but reversing it makes it a wonderful virtuous cycle: health of the mind brings health of the body!
Just to precise one thing: Niko has been doing sw for 10 years but did a long pause so it's possible that muscle memory kicked in a bit. He's nonetheless a great guy and trains in a very smart way.


If we take the example of Lee Van Rollé (thumbnail guy), he is not a normal guy, he said himself that he have good biceps genetics + short + he was doing breakdancing before. They are not always "normal guys".


The guy getting the planche in 70 days blows my mind


Some people are lucky to unlock easier & fast some tricks but even if u feel you don’t belong to the sport.. don’t quit prove them wrong. You’ll change will impact more 💯


Man this channel is a MUST for anyone getting into or already into calisthenics.Keep up this good work my man !


Really loved this insights from this video! Well studied and put together as always. I think what some people need to realise more often is that everyone has different starting bases and different stats, which greatly impacts their skills progress. You've addressed it aptly in this video.

On an unrelated note, would you be up for a static sesh/meetup sometime down the line? Would love to collab and meet a likeminded calisthenics athlete. I'm in Sheffield so it shouldn't be too hard to set something up!


Great video. Would be interesting to see how more disadventaged athletes in terms of body composition were able to make progress. The difference between 2 and 3 years is a different world.
I love the data collection part, reminds me of Frinksmovement's FL problem video.
Keep it up


I learned point 3 in yoga. Just keep practicing without rush or expectations. We don’t have time targets in yoga. Then once unlocked you will be delighted. The journey is more important than the destination.


This is a great video! The advice is direct and practical. Really … it’s all right there. Thank you.


we often forget to include what the athlete has been doing before he started to train for planche or calisthenics...

was he lifting weights before he started calisthenics? or was he doing hard labour or was he a farmer? did he spend his freetime outside of his house doing some sort of activities where he had to move around all the time? was he maybe a climber?

or did he do judo or wrestling?

you know all this things matter because he has the base for calisthenics...

it will be easier to progress...

but for those who were not that active in their life before starting calisthenics, they are gonna have trouble with progressing


I wanna see a vid about someone who did 6 plus years to achieve full planche. Imagine what a humble and interesting story that would be, overcoming all the bumps in the road. 74 days is really really rare but not interesting at all, way to short to make an interesting story.


This is not about days it's all about hardwork and dedication ❤


Volume for me means 12 stets and above and now I'm doing assisted straddle with the lighter band for +10 and I achieved this after about 4 months
NOTE : I'm 180cm | 74 Kg


from my experience resting for a week has been the most optimal for me...

I stop training when I feel depleted of my energy and mentally exhausted then I redt for a week...

I tried to rest longer but when starting training again it is much harder to get back at where you left because of the muscle soreness when you start again


So great video, I hope one day get the full planche..


Dude i have a suggestion for you in terms of your planche training if bands arent a option or available!. It is try to use the wall the same way as you would do for handstands. The backside of the body facing the wall. By that i mean try to put your hands closer or father away from the wall and lean your head into it while keeping the forward lean and elbow lockout. I saw it from Simonsterstrength and FitnessFaqs


Ye I’m 5, 9 165-170 pounds this journey will be fun and I’m not fat 😢. But it’s all about consistency


i personally know nathan, nice to see him here
