Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg meets with Barack Obama

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Former US President Barack Obama tells teenage Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg that she is "changing the world" as they meet in Washington, DC, during Thunberg’s trip to the United States.
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"No one is too small to change the world." - G. Thunberg


Instead of thanks her reply shows her Boldness


Why are people not seeing right through this? It doesn't take much wisdom to see where she's from.


Bombed the arms and legs off brown skin kids in 7 countries for 8 years


"Are you sure about this climate change thing, Greta? Michelle and I just acquired this beachfront property. "


So warming ...a man of people - Obama. Great man. Father who loves, cares for the Nature n human....


Who's the adult and who's the child in the room. This gal is being used as a pawn. Why do people listen to her or him?


The children are the future and Wu-Tang is for the babies. Respect to Greta


good to see Berry is back to community organizing and speech writing for little girls. I hope she tells him the new $15, 000, 000.00 house will be underwater in 12 years even with the 20 foot wall. Biden was not aloud in the building till she was 1.2 miles away.


Obama just bought a $15 million beach house


Are you reading this from your cell phone, laptop or computer? Congratulations! You're not a climate change activist.


Obama is such a nice guy It's so sad he isn't the president anymore. I hope Bernie Sanders is becoming the next one we need a man of logic now


The Definition of Insanity Vs Everyone Else

*Psychosis - a loss of contact with reality, beliefs with no basis in reality.
Nearly half of the United States believes “Jebus will return by 2050”!
These are the beliefs with no basis, in reality, our current inept designers and controllers of the entirety of the US’s environmental and climate policies.
Believing, as do a huge percentage of the christian society members literally, ”at large”, that environment and climate don’t in any way matter insanely knowing “‘god’s got it handled!” and the added “it ain’t real unlessin’ it in that (1) book I was told’s fact.” or simply Humanities problems are “the warning signs of end times!”
A country whose founding wisdom scribed in a specific separation of churches and the state, those who’ve lost contact with reality who possess beliefs with no basis in reality and those concerned with and by the tangible and real.
It’s not a relative moment away, our collective end, unless the big clock’s minute hand gets inexcusably moved, nor is that imaginary friend, tall, white, blond, chiseled hunk (the average Middle Eastern Jew from 2k years ago), will not shortly stroll down from the clouds because “HE” doesn’t exist.
Our policies, secondary to the “wisdom” of the Harry Potter of the mid-300s, will, in 30ish years, dramatically change all maps. Not an “end of times” only a huge problem which will then have to be dealt with after the fact.
Ignorance and psychosis actually allowing the United States to physically diminish. Its citizens killed and displaced due to what? Not wanting to burst the ubiquitous psychotic bubble?
Look at the efforts and results of, was it 97% of the scientists whose education and experience are in the environmental sciences? They aren’t predicting happy, smooth sailing.
With immediate, intelligent and correct effort, plus the cash needed for something so critical, we will lose more land. Some has washed away already.
Doing what we are doing now, we aren’t doing anything, and significant land and large numbers of Humans, both lost.
Continuing our blind only slaps a big “fuck you!” onto all those Humans soon to die all those who eventually will succumb to our disregard for them.
American Humans and Humans around the World, politically, morally, ethically nothing, insignificant all, built on the delusion that “god is love!” by psychotics supposedly believing the same.
We’ve got people without scientific knowledge or backgrounds making huge decisions about policies and writing “scientific“ law science fact-free.
They’re using archaic scriptural fantasies for guidance. Shaking their divine magic 8-ball, stroking the severed foot of something that never was, and or believing if they close their eyes real hard and think words in their brainboxes, sorry, if they “pray”, just right, everything will magically be ok.
And or, 30 years and dust. Either way “totally out of our control!”, right?
No, totally wrong!
These professed pathologically deluded Humans are making laws based on the fiction that will impact the Human Species from here forward.
I’d prefer to not be a part of just a blip in time, a thin layer of dust and plastic, but no more. Evolved to be smart enough to survive, but far too stupid, psychotic and deluded to do so.
Destroying Humanities ability to thrive, even diminishing it slightly, to cater to psychotics is in itself complete and total lunacy.
USS Exxon Valdez heading for the beautiful, seal covered rocks of the entire World, but it is text-book psychotic insanity and not intoxication which is impairing OUR captain.
Hopes and prayers and meet the rocks!

Good luck out there


One crisp winter morning in Sweden, a cute little girl named The Angry Beaver woke up to a perfect world, one where there were no petroleum products ruining the earth. She tossed aside her cotton sheet and wool blanket and stepped out onto a dirt floor covered with willow bark that had been pulverized with rocks. “What’s this?” she asked.
“Pulverized willow bark, ” replied her fairy godmother. 
“What happened to the carpet?” she asked. 
“The carpet was nylon, which is made from butadiene and hydrogen cyanide, both made from petroleum, ” came the response. 
The Angry Beaver smiled, acknowledging that adjustments are necessary to save the planet, and moved to the sink to brush her teeth where instead of a toothbrush, she found a willow, mangled on one end to expose wood fibre bristles. 
“Your old toothbrush?” noted her godmother, “Also nylon.” 
“Where’s the water?” asked The Angry Beaver 
“Down the road in the canal, ” replied her godmother, ‘Just make sure you avoid water with cholera in it” 
“Why’s there no running water?” The Angry Beaver asked, becoming a little peevish. 
“Well, ” said her godmother, who happened to teach engineering at MIT, “Where do we begin?” There followed a long monologue about how sink valves need elastomer seats and how copper pipes contain copper, which has to be mined and how it’s impossible to make all-electric earth-moving equipment with no gear lubrication or tires and how ore has to be smelted to a make metal, and that’s tough to do with only electricity as a source of heat, and even if you use only electricity, the wires need insulation, which is petroleum-based, and though most of Sweden’s energy is produced in an environmentally friendly way because of hydro and nuclear, if you do a mass and energy balance around the whole system, you still need lots of petroleum products like lubricants and nylon and rubber for tires and asphalt for filling potholes and wax and iPhone plastic and elastic to hold your underwear up while operating a copper smelting furnace and . . . 
“What’s for breakfast?” interjected The Angry Beaver whose head was hurting. 
"Fresh, range-fed chicken eggs, ” replied her godmother. “Raw.” 
“How so, raw?” inquired The Angry Beaver.
“Well, . . .” And once again, Greta was told about the need for petroleum products like transformer oil and scores of petroleum products essential for producing metals for frying pans and in the end was educated about how you can’t have a petroleum-free world and then cook eggs. Unless you rip your front fence up and start a fire and carefully cook your egg in an orange peel like you do in Boy Scouts. Not that you can find oranges in Sweden anymore. 
“But I want poached eggs like my Aunt Tilda makes, ” lamented The Angry Beaver.
“Tilda died this morning, ” the godmother explained. “Bacterial pneumonia.” 
“What?!” interjected The Angry Beaver.. “No one dies of bacterial pneumonia! We have penicillin.” 
“Not anymore, ” explained godmother “The production of penicillin requires chemical extraction using isobutyl acetate, which, if you know your organic chemistry, is petroleum-based. Lots of people are dying, which is problematic because there’s not any easy way of disposing of the bodies since backhoes need hydraulic oil and crematoriums can’t really burn many bodies using as fuel Swedish fences and furniture, which are rapidly disappearing - being used on the black market for roasting eggs and staying warm.” 
This represents only a fraction of The Angry Beavers’s day, a day without microphones to exclaim into and a day without much food, and a day without carbon-fibre boats to sail in, but a day that will save the planet. 
Tune in tomorrow when The Angry Beaver needs a root canal and learns how Novocain is synthesized and that Michelle Obama is really a man named Mike Obama the homo .


Sorry St.Greta. We still aren't paying for China and Indias gas bills:)


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