How To Build A Cold Calling Script (Step-By-Step)

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Having a script in cold calling is so important because we so often the salespeople want to feel like they don't need to follow a script. I'm just going to figure it out as I go. And what happens is we go all over the place, and we're so much less effective.

It's so important now you may think of it more as a template or more as a structure. But either way, you want to have that cold calling script. So in this video, I'm going to show you how to build a cold calling script step by step. Check it out.

1. Don't make a cold call now.

Typical cold calls are freezing-cold calls made to random people on random days, with a random approach. These calls are very unlikely to be successful, no matter what script you use. But that doesn’t mean that cold calling is dead. Actually, it’s an incredibly effective tool today, as long as you revamp your process.

Your new process should replace freezing-cold calls with prospecting calls that are part of a campaign. What you want to do is follow a systematic prospecting campaign where calls are part of the process—but you're also sending emails, making Linkedin requests, sending packages, sending letters, and leaving voicemails.

2. You must have a script.

Now, creating a cold calling script doesn’t mean you script out every single word you’re going to say to every prospect. That would be impossible. Plus, some parts of your call must be personalized, of course.

But a great cold calling script will prompt you on the best ways to approach those points of personalization for each prospect, all while giving you a solid structure to follow so you don’t get lost or distracted when the prospect throws you a curveball.

3. Pattern interrupt constantly.

Prospects have fine-tuned radar when it comes to avoiding sales calls and getting off the phone with salespeople. To slip under their radar and get them to have a real conversation with you, you need to constantly break the pattern they expect.

One great strategy is to start off your cold calling script with a greeting the prospect won’t expect. Most salespeople enthusiastically, cheerfully say, “Hey there! How are you doing today?!” Immediately, prospects clam up. (Wouldn’t you?)

Instead, use a soft, calm tone that doesn’t give away the fact that you’re a salesperson. Say something that breaks the pattern such as, “Hey, George, how have you been?”

4. Quick opening.

Your cold calling script should have a very short opening. The first 20 seconds of the call are where a lot of salespeople get caught up and fail. This is the most important part of any cold call, hands down.

If your opening isn’t short and to the point, the call will be over before it even begins. Script out a quick and concise opening that simply engages the prospect in a conversation—that’s all! No jargon, junk, or filler that doesn’t actually mean anything.

5. Show you did your homework.

Prospects hate boiler-plate cold calls, plain and simple. Calls without personalization prove that the salesperson has no idea who the prospect is—and doesn’t really care.

It’s important to show you did your homework. This doesn’t take a ton of time. All you have to do is use a tool such as LinkedIn Navigator or Google to find out a few basic pieces of information about each prospect before you pick up the phone.

6. Note the common challenges.

Your script should already have a quick, concise opening and a bit of personalization that shows you’ve done your homework. Now you need to mention some common challenges you see in the prospect’s industry space.

7. Engage them.

Script out a list of engaging questions you can ask prospects on the call. Get them talking. Use your questions as a structure to lean on throughout the conversation, referring back to your script when you’re not sure what to say or you feel nervous.

The only way to truly engage prospects is to ask them questions about themselves and their problems. So that’s exactly what your cold calling script should prompt you to do.

8. Recommend a clear next step.

Clear next steps are everything when it comes to your cold calling script. Don’t settle for a wishy-washy “follow up in a couple of weeks” or “maybe we could get together sometime to discuss.”

It's got to be a clear next step—and you want to recommend it directly to the prospect before they get off the phone.

9. Send a calendar invite.

This might sound tactical and basic, but it's so important. Every single call that has a positive outcome should also have a calendar invite sent from you to the prospect. Before you get off the phone.
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Your videos are exceptionally helpful. I have gotten my foot in multi million rand contacts in the financial space in South Africa. Thank your for posting your content. It has genuinely helped me build my business. Hope these videos get millions of views. Keep up the great work.


This video doesn’t explain how to build a cold call script well. The title shouldn’t be suggesting that it does.


Thank you for this valuable content. Cold calling is great, I complemented it with SMS campaigns.


I think it is spot on! I don't understand those comments that say it isn't about writing a script, it is not only the perfect outline for a script but it also has useful tips about delivery included! I think the negative Nancy's want you to write the script for them and tell them what words to change to make it their own! (Oh, and can you record it and send it to them also, for free of course!) Great job, Great content. I have studied Sandler for years and I haven't heard one thing that contradicts his teachings, only compliments it! Thanks!!


A lot of good points. Having a quick, to the point opener is incredibly important I’m finding, as is engaging them immediately afterwards, along with a clear next step. I love the idea about sending them a link to my Calendar. I’m going to start using that immediately.


What incredible content! I'm Brazilian and I follow all the videos!!🤩


I have learned that a cold call is a lot like charging across the field with your soldiers straight into enemy fire. A wise general doesn't do this. Instead, he pounds the defenses first with artillery and bombers to soften them up, and then he moves his troops forward when it is safe. The way to do this in sales is to hit a potential client with emails, packages, and literature before you ever make that first call, just like Marc says.


Thank you so much I’ve been struggling with going from a very strict script to know script to now rebuilding this was right on time.


Dear Marc, your videos are very helpful. I'm learning new things in each and every video. Thank you very much. Wish you a very Happy New Year.


good advice! I really agree with engaging with the caller making yourself fun to talk with. understanding how people think is key.


So good Mark! I need to lock down the next steps part.
Thanks 🙏🏼


What would be an example of a quick opening ?


*_great, this will help us grow our investing buisness.loe from india🇮🇳_*


EXCELLENT. can you give more examples of pattern interrupts pls?


Very helpful and inspiring. Thank you Marc. Your videos are damn good. Love from India.


im working in lead generation team this helped me so much


I always get value out of your videos. Also thanks for not having a ridiculously long, time wasting video.


Yet another great video, Thanks Mark.


Awesome! You’re the best! I hope I can return with some tips myself!


Hi Marc
Can you make a video about improving SSI and using LinkedIn to improve sales?
