The War Within | TOP TIPS For New Healers! | Start here.

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Hey guys, i had a blast making this video, i hope you enjoy my tips for new healers coming into The War Within! Please see below for all information talked about in the video!

0:00 Intro
0:46 1 - Don't Be Afraid
1:39 2 - Optimize You UI
3:00 3 - Focus On Healing
3:22 4 - Do Not Tunnel Vision
3:42 5 - Use Clique Add on
5:19 6 - Be Consistent
5:49 7 - HAVE FUN!
6:14 - Outro

#worldofwarcraft #draonflight #healer

I mainly focus on healing mid to high keys in WoW and pushing Top 100 leaderboards in D3 seasons. I play all things MMOs, ARPGs, the occasional shooter and many things in between!
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Here's a solid way to start healing. Get Clique setup with heals mapped to your mouse. Left, middle click, right, middle scroll up and middle scroll the same buttons mapped to Shift +. That's 10 heal related spells right at your fingertips, you'll use more later of course. I'd make the 5 unmodified ones straight up cast heals and the Shift modified ones support heals. (HoT, AoE, shields, etc.) Then let your guild know you want to transition to healing and practice with them. They have a vested interest in you being successful, PUGs do not. I have healed since day one of WoW and one day I expressed an interest to try tanking to my guild. I was met with great laughter but in the end they all supported the attempt.


Sometimes i still forget to heal myself :(


If you love a class and it's not meta right now... don't worry, the meta will change. Master the class you love because when it does become meta, you will be highly sought after and could really make a name for yourself on your server


The best beginner tip i have is use the Proving Grounds, get some Muscle memory going, optimize your UI and macros between attempts to get gold. That way you can set things up perfectly to suit you without the anxiety of a group.


My experience with asking other people questions could have been better so far.

Coming from classic, I've realized this is an entirely different game in graphics and mechanics. I tried to ask someone about the profession, most specifically, 'Why can't I make anything below level 20 or 45 with my leatherworking.' his response was, 'If you don't even know, why are you playing the game? LOL’

And my second question was, 'How do I get back to Kul Tires from SW as the boat took me to Dragon Isles instead? I've tried asking several people that question, but no one responded. Finally, on the fourth player, I followed up with 'Are all the people on this server braindead or something’ I know it was rude, but I also wanted to test out if my whispers are delivered or not cus I was getting suspicious usually u don't get ignored on a classic like that at least they would have the courtesy to respond me to say ‘I don’t know' Anyway this guy finally replies to me just to smack talk back cus I insulted him and I had to say ‘So the only time I can get a response from people is when I insult them?’ And he goes back to his braindead form (Yes, he was a druid), keeps running into a wall, and ignores my response.

The funny thing is that people don’t have the energy to be helpful, even to say, ‘Just wait for the other boat, ’ which I found out later. But when they’re even lightly insulted, they can devise a snarky two paragraphs to own the person.


Thanks for the video, I've thing that really helped me when I started was to learn what each tank does. It made it a lot easier to heal DKs when I had some way of seeing how much runic power they had, for example


I’m returning to healing after a long break. It’s kind of tough to absorb all of the spells I get to play with, so I started with a core set of 5-6 core spells that got me through normal dungeons w/ no problem, got used to them as my go-tos, then started adding others for utility or special circumstances.


Thanks for this. Returning to WoW after a decade and man this helps.


Man im new to the game and i started as a healer i needed this guide. Specially tip number 1


Thank you for this valuable video. I am new to healing but I've been playing WoW a long time as a hybrid so I understand a little. Going to be trying my hand at a Holy Priest in Dragonflight.


Major thing id suggest even to you video creator... shift your raid frames to either under your feet or to the right side of your screen because if you place it on the left or in the default location your hand is naturally on the right side of the screen as your hand is right of your keyboard so if you have frames up left you are crossing your hand and your field of view to look up... keep it where your hand is and keep your eyes in the middle of the screen where your character is


what spell rotations should I use as a MW monk, also a new healer and I am very scared. Great video by the way


The best beginner tip
goat man <3


The UI thing is helpful I think some people, but I have a very unique way of playing with tons of keyboards. It has taken me years to hone in perfect my method, but I have easily and 25 to 35 keys that are programmed into my muscle memory, which I can easily click in a split second. And the hardest part for me, sometimes is certain healer classes have a little bit of button bloat, so I am not always able to find enough keys to assign everything to but an add-on would only take away from the key bindings that I already use everything easy to hit on my keyboard and mouse is already spoken for.


Thanks so much. I played for so long as an altaholic. I finally settled down a little to raid for the first time doing dps in SL. Hoping to try some healing out in intense settings soon.


Hey good video even if it’s a year old! I like that you mentioned being consistent. There’s nothing wrong with meta chasing, especially if you have that competitive drive in you, but the majority of us are casual or moderate players. I’ve played MMOs since I was a child, and I am firm in the belief that if I don’t enjoy my class, I won’t enjoy the game. Every class and spec can clear normal/heroic and decently high keys with enough knowledge and practice. My guild is doubting my decision to make my alt a Resto Shaman right now, but I’m eager to prove them wrong!


As a returning player who is a brand new Resto Shaman, these tips were great :D got a sub from me my dude. Not related to Healing; what's the UI you're using? The font and everything looks so clean.


Here is my tip as a 3.2 Rio Disc. Log out and roll a dps for no responsibility at all. If you want some say - roll a unkillable tank (any). You can thank me later.


Clique might be the savior for me. I have never used macros for healing and i did all raid prog and CM's before i switched to prot in WoD. Healing now just feels so weird, it almost feels like im using down ranked spells even when im decently geared.


The only downside of Clique is that if you set it to mouseover, then you can't cast on yourself without having to find yourself in the group display aswell, meaning that occasionally you waste precious time.
