Cal Kestis actor responds to live action rumours...

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As Jedi Survivor settles down, Cal Kestis actor Cameron Monaghan responds to potentially coming to live action.

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I agree. I would love to see Cal in live action but not at the expense of his character. Cal has become one of my favorite Jedi and I would want his character to remain intact. I really respect Respawn for being so protective to Cal though.


As long as Respawn and Monaghan have sufficient input in a live-action production, then I think it could turn out well. But there are a lot of things that could go wrong if Disney instead decides to do Disney things and throw out the source material and ignore the games. And that's arguably too big of a risk.


I would like to see Cal in tales of the jedi. Meybe we would explore more his past. That would be cool


I know it’s not related by RIP Ray Stevenson.


It depends where you put him. We can't put him in anything during the Mandalorian series because him just being there can spoil what happens to him during the dark times. But maybe giving him a cameo in Andor or Obi-Wan season 2 may make sense because they share the same timeline, and Cal worked with Saw Gerrera anyways.


I agree with Cameron 100% and I love that him and Respawn are protective of this character and his stories. That said, I wanna see Cal in a cameo or a full series as long as the game writers and Cameron had an input.


Cal is straight up one of my favorite Jedi. & I never thought I would say that… after seeing his character growth in Jedi Survivor… IF they do make a third game… I don’t know how they will top what they have already pulled off… the whole “embrace the darkness” thing near the end of the game was insanely satisfying and awesome to see… the dark side is literally within his grasp and he could turn at a moments notice with his hatred for Bode & what he did… but he doesn’t let it consume him. Cal seems like a good candidate for being a “grey Jedi” because he seems to operate the best between light and dark. & that concept is so intriguing to me. Love Cal. Keep it up, Respawn. 🤙


Would love to see him in live action but after the third game is done so we don't know what happens to him until then.


I think it could work in form of limited TV series based on old Mantis crew breaking up ang him joining Saw Garera and building new team, while dealing with abandonment issues. It will expand on existing lore without messing up anything important in Cals jorney or larger timeline, and Cameron Monahan could play him without any weird makeup or digital aging. But it must be done by proper team with creative liberty, otherwise it could turn into another BOBF.


Im really glad theyre protective of the character, and really no one else could play Cal and it feel right so I would imagine he has at least some say on if live action gets made or not... And Im really glad he values the character more than the money that could come from it.


I respect Respawn’s decision. As cool as live action Cal would be, Disney has a habit of ruining everything they touch…


I could actually see the end of his story being that he sacrifices himself for the rebellion or to save his loved ones. Maybe that’s why respawn don’t want him to appear anywhere else cuz that would mess up his character arc. But who knows👀


I'd be so excited to see Cal in his own show, but only if Cameron Monaghan can reprise his role and Respawn can be involved with the script. Cal's story is just too good and they need to do it justice.


Basically they mean they want his game story to be finished first and that I respect


I believe that seeing cal kestis in live action would be amazing. He is like one of the most popular characters at this points and fans would love it. But they would have to bend themselves over so hard to make sure they meet the expectations.


As much as i want to see him in Live Action
I think seeing his story end in the 3rd game(still not confirmed at the moment) is much better
I am curious if we could see him in animated series like the clone wars and rebels but I think he should still stay on the videogame universe


I think if it was on a show that Dave Filoni was in charge of, it could be done well. Honestly, I would like to see Filoni and the Respawn team that make the Jedi games put their heads together so Respawn could connect elements of Filoni's shows in their games without interfering with his plans, and Filoni could include Cal, Merrin, and/or other characters from those games into his shows without stepping on their toes.


They won’t unless they re introduce him in some way because not everyone will play the games and theses shows and movies are meant to be timeless so I think he will maybe get a mention but I don’t think we will ever see him in live action


The only thing I'd like to see is a small cameo. No combat, just have him have some key info for the plot to pass along and then he's out.


pretty sure we wont see cal in live action until the third and final game drops. Part of the reason he isnt in the mandolorian seasons is because they dont want to spoil the story of the third game unless they make it where its something that happened in between jedi survivor and the 3rd game
