Let's talk about Christian gatekeeping. | The Christian Humanist

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I am a Christian, LGBTQ+ person, and feminist, interested in sharing thoughts about faith in the modern world. All perspectives welcome!
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I'm so glad to have found your channel weeks ago
Keep going sister 🤛


Victoria, thank you for this video! If I might add something to it, the best way I was explained the gospel after Christ's death was with this metaphor, the gospel was like a mirror and when Christ died that miorror shattered, everyone then grabbed a piece of the mirror thus grabbing a piece of the gospel. Lots of Christian churches have truth, they have that peice, but it is with Christ that we have the full Gospel.


The traditional Christians think that non doing hard work, being educated and learning skills, just doing prayers and feeding and funding the Church and pastors is the true Christianity but in my opinion it is not, I think being developed as human civilization collectively and helping each other to prosper is real Christianity, and women can also lead us as men can in all walks of life, what You will say Pastor?


Yes, its absurd for any non-divine person to judge the heart of another. Yet it’s all too instinctual, and so scripture addresses presumptive judgementalism: “For who knows a person's thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” (1 Cor 2:11)

On the other hand, since scripture instructs us not to pretend to understand the depths of another person’s soul, it rather instructs us to judge someone based on their fruits, ie. words and deeds (Matt 7:15-20).

Is it fruit that someone confesses they believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and their Lord and Savior? As you yourself mention, there were heretical sects who confess these words but meant something by them which differs from the Truth. How do we know this? By their fruit: their full exegeses of scripture invariably lack coherence and their works betray them.

This is not to say we should judge their heart, which only God on Judgement Day can do, but that we should be vigilant to recognize false doctrine and unrepentant sin where it can be discerned in the flesh (physically) through the Spirit.

We aren’t tasked with separating the wheat from the chaff or the sheep from the goats, but with discerning Truth from lie.

In this vein I’ve opposed your views on Christian theology concerning sexual immorality in the comments of another video: the Spirit in me discerns an incoherence in your exegesis of sacred scripture.

We who profess Christ should pray for one another, hoping everyone we meet comes to revere and believe in His Holy Name and be sanctified by His Truth. We should be praying that God saves us from the horrible fate where “On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers'" (Matt 7:21-23)

God bless


If you think that you can live however you want and still call yourself a Christian, just because you say you believe something, you are truly a lost soul, or a very dishonest person
