Hiring Professional Testers - EuroSTAR - Huib Schoots
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Software development is about people. But how do you recognize an excellent testing professional? And how do you get the right people in your projects?
It is hard to recognize professional testers. Every tester is unique and brings different characteristics to the table. Every project is different too and to be successful in finding the right professional tester for your project different characteristics may be important. There are many characteristics to be considered so to be able to recognize professional testers heuristics can be used.
In this webinar Huib will present my heuristics to recognize a professional tester. You will also learn about how I use them in practice. Finally you'll learn about what interview techniques I use to hire the right person.
It is hard to recognize professional testers. Every tester is unique and brings different characteristics to the table. Every project is different too and to be successful in finding the right professional tester for your project different characteristics may be important. There are many characteristics to be considered so to be able to recognize professional testers heuristics can be used.
In this webinar Huib will present my heuristics to recognize a professional tester. You will also learn about how I use them in practice. Finally you'll learn about what interview techniques I use to hire the right person.