Color Theory For Beginners - *Life Changing* Seasonal Color Analysis

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Today I want to talk about color theory for beginners and specifically seasonal color analysis or the theory that breaks all colors into 2 main categories: Hue (either cool or warm) & Value (either light or dark).

Identifying which of these your hair, eyes and skin fall under can help you find the colors that will be in synergy with your coloring, and results in 4 harmonious color groups named after the 4 seasons of the year -

winter (cool & deep)
spring (warm & light)
summer (cool & light)
autumn (warm & deep)

If you have traits from 2 different seasons, you can use the updated model which includes your hue, value and chroma (the depth of your coloring and the contrast between your hair, eyes & skin which can be either rich and saturated or muted). When these 3 are combined you get 12 seasons and I share all of them in this video.

I hope this is helpful and thanks so much for watching! xx Audrey

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Music: Epidemic Sound
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Im just more and more confused. I loved your video on olive skin and i strongly feel i am olive (have been called sickly my whole life and no foundation ever suited me before i started mixing with blue and green), but i am as Pale as julianne Moore (my legs and feet look like a wax doll!) and my eyes are hazel with a warm ring, my hair kinda ashy in some light and Golden in other. I feel beautiful in navy and olive, but is having a hard time with most colors. Terracotta and colors like that CAN be pretty but also too dominant. But I dont feel cool colors always fit me that well either... i tend to Fall for jewel tones but feel awful in brown hues (except maybe a very neutral taupe?) my lips look good in rosewood kinda colors, and peach and pink blush look awful BUT everybody tell me that copper hair looks good on me? Jen Thoden and Merriam Style here om youtube borh concluded from a photo that i am soft and warm, but I never put on yellow, orange, red, ugh! I feel in my heart that they are wrong. My heritage is part Danish / part french. I would love to send you some photos if you are curious or need a video on the palest of the olive skin tones - if I AM olive that is! this video was lovely, now i bingewatch you! 😆


FINALLY someone who understands a neutral/cool undertone for olive skin!

That last bit about makeup rang so true with me. I’m of Asian descent and everyone automatically assumes I have a yellow undertone. I have a natural knack for colors (runs in my family with designers and artists, considered art school at the recommendation of art teachers), and knew I didn’t have a yellow undertone. But makeup salesperson matches me to yellow makeup. No. I don’t have a definite pink undertone but I look so much better in pinky foundations than the yellow ones. Neutral is the way to go, but many neutral toned foundations have a greyish tint, which is disappointing. Years ago, I met one older lady at a Bloomingdales who helped me find a bronzer that was labeled for blondes. She told me to ignore the labels and go with what compliments my skin. She was right, and she gave me the confidence to tell cursory makeup counter ppl to find me the neutral and cool options.

I should try the white paper test and look up the chroma influence.


Your light blue sweater is a beautiful color on you!


THANK YOU!!! Im olive toned. I always wondered why I looked crap in any peachy, orangy colored lip color, because I thought I was warm. I get it now.


Having olive skin with yellow overtone, I had been confused with this for years until I started learning water painting! I always thought I had warm skin tone because I’m yellow. But somehow coral lipsticks which supposedly compliment warm skin can wash me out, and coral blushes and brown eyeshadows always make me look muddy. Instead I found Taupe and grey always work on my eyelids, and mauve blushes actually works the best on my cheeks. Once I practiced color mixing and started training my eyes to detect the hues, I totally see the “green” in my skin, . Everything suddenly makes sense now!


I love color theory! It has prevented me from spending money on things that are ultimately unflattering. If there’s a color that you love but doesn’t complement your complexion you can wear a small amount away from your face, like a bracelet or pair of shoes. I made a pair of sleep shorts in a Liberty print in muted pastels because I love them but they’re my worst colors! (I’m a deep autumn.)


Helping me realize olive skin is cool....that is a game changer. That has made me confused for years - especially when it came to buying makeup.


To my olive folks... I add a little green concealer in my foundation to help it match my skin tone. It’s been a game changer!


This is great! As a “medium dark” african-American woman I find it especially challenging to find colors that work in my skin tone as well as my overall lifestyle. Having recently decided to take a more scientific approach, content like this is timely and very informative! On a more personal note, I love the way I look, as do others, in very deep hues of blues, pinks and green! I find myself really stepping away from all black outfits now as they do NOTHING for me! Really enjoying this journey of self discovery! This video is a welcome aid!


My sister has been into this since the 80’s. She had a huge book on it. She tells me I’m an Autumn. Which happens to b my favorite time of year.


Thank you, Audrey, for validating for me that olive toned skin is, indeed, a cool tone. I had my colors done and they told me that I am a winter, and I absolutely look my best in cool colors. However, makeup counters always want to put me in foundations with a yellow undertone. This makes my face look like an unbaked pie crust. Also, a hairstylist recently suggested that I add a red tint to my medium brown hair. I think that red hair is very pretty but would clash badly with nearly my entire wardrobe, and I look sickly and drab in warm autumn colors. So thank you again for the tip on olive skin tone being cool. As far as I know, you’re the only person who’s mentioned that, and I have read a lot of books and watched a lot of videos on color theory. With gratitude.


Audrey, you hit the nail on the head regarding foundations. I'm also a dark winter, neutral w/warm golden overtones. I've been mismatched so many times with foundations that are too yellow, orange, or oxidizes as such. From one of your older vids, I created my color palette only to discover all the colors I love fell in line with dark winter. It has made building my capsule a breeze. Shopping is more intentional now that I stick to my palette. Bonus, I look less yellow now in strong jewel tones.


I used to sew most of my clothes, wool lined suits, linen coordinates, silk blouses... they would fit and hang beautifully, but just always missed the mark. Then I had my colors done and was shocked. I love soft heathered summer colors, but they didn’t love me. I’m a winter and winter colors seemed garishly bright or boringly bland like light gray-ugh-elementary school uniform. Well, I changed my makeup and started wearing my colors and the compliments started pouring in. I couldn’t believe how much better I looked. I took my packet of colors to the store and to prove they couldn’t be right tried on clothes in the ugliest colors in my pallet. The first day I tried on the ugliest light gray blouse, and bought it! That was 40 years ago. I never went back.


Discovering I was a deep autumn was the most enlightening thing for me. Learn your palette and you'll always look and feel great. Also makes the wardrobe SO much easier.


This is some education. Also, having such a pleasant and calm voice makes one just keep listening to you and keep watching your videos.
I am a new subscriber of urs. ;-)




Just watched this for the second time as I am currently working on my winter wardrobe. Starting to get chilly here in Seattle! You are definitely my go to for excellent fashion and beauty information. I learned that I am an olive undertone and a deep winter season from your video. But I never realized that olive is cool and now it makes so much sense to me. I have always loved "autumn colors" browns, golds, russets, beiges but had a hard time wearing them. With your video I have discovered that I can still wear these colors but my browns should be cooler, black-brown, ash brown, my russets more bronze than rust and my beiges more taupe, "greige". Thank you for always providing thoughtful, helpful information! Since following your channel I have eliminated so many of my shopping mistakes. Love what you do!!


THANK YOU for addressing olive skin. I'm coming back to this video as a refresher but I wish I could share it with everyone I know. I think you may be one of the few YouTubers who actually address it. Most people default to warm and cool only. When I was younger I always thought I was just warm but warm foundations always looked so terrible on me. When I figured out lighter olive skin DOES EXIST (which took me until my late 20s to discover) it completely changed how I dressed, the make up I used etc. Now I'm shouting it from the rooftops lol


You are a lovely, soft spoken lady and it is such a pleasure listening to you. Also, I have finally found my colour pallet/ season (clear autumn). Thank you so much!


I found this topic very interesting. I too am a winter. When I was younger I kept wearing an Autumn color palette that just did not work...Once I discovered the "Color Me Beautiful" book it opened my eyes. I began to see what a difference the correct colors can have on your overall appearance. Just remarkable to think how the right shade of blue can brighten up your whole face.
