BREAKING: Intellivision Amico Has Been Cancelled!

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Amazon Canada has begun cancelling Intellivision Amico preorders without the buyers consent…
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Remember when the whole community was attacking Ian and Pat for telling them the truth lol


Raised $17 million in crowd funding and loans. At present they are sitting with $5 million to $8 million in debt. That's a swing of over $22 million with not a single console to show for it, not even some Founder's Edition to go out to the original backers. I thought the Atari VCS was a scam but full credit to them, they made it to store shelves. Hindsight is 20/20 but that stream of the office tour that Tommy gave you basically showed everything wrong with the idea and the company: waste of office space, waste of money (car parts? building cars?), no finished unit despite excuses and claims they are in the final, final stages, and a CEO who has no idea what he's doing but possesses an incredible gift of gab. The guy will hype the snot out of a cardboard box, which is appropriate since they're selling boxed games without a console to play them.


The company needs to be investigated for potentially fraudulent practices. I feel that investors like you are victims of a scam here.


Leadership was their failure. Their was never a person that was willing to take control and make sure things were getting done. Knowing what we know now, it appears as if everyone was just hanging out with their buddies on the investors and supporters dime. Without leadership holding the employees accountable, maintaining timelines, watching the budgets or problem solving those unexpected issues that pop up there was never going to be any meaningful progress on the project. Once it got out of control, it was already to late.


This does beg the question....Those of us who pre-ordered the Founder's Edition...Why have none of us been informed of this? Why haven't YOU, being a 10k investor been informed? Amazon Canada? Cmon have to have better sources than that to declare it "dead".


I call BS on blaming the pandemic. If that were the case, then at least they would have software done and ready to show because of the hardware delays. I feel bad for people losing their money, but at the same time...Fools and their money.Pat and Ian were right all along.


The pandemic allowed Intellivision to last longer. It gave them yet another excuse for delays and lack of progress. Without the pandemic excuse people would have seen through their lies earlier and they would have lost funding.


Bankruptcy incoming!

Edit: Tommy and Phil lied for years and ripped off $17M. And you expect them to suddenly be transparent and honest?? It's 👏🏼 not 👏🏼 happening 👏🏼


Not to be mean or anything but this people need to face justice now for false advertisement full of lies... where did the invested money go?... lawsuit...


At this point, Tommy needs to come out and say something. His reputation in the gaming community will be forever tarnished if he doesn’t at least try. Retro gamers are a rabid group if messed with.


I contacted them weeks ago to get my deposit back. Yeah, thinking I lost that. Dead silence. So I feel for anyone who actually invested in this dumpster fire like you did.


I think one of the biggest problems was how much high end staff above the actual engineers and programmers they hired. That was too much payroll for people not responsible for the actual creation process.

It looks like the developer of several games is in liquidation. Not a good sign, at all.


They will choose…. Number 3: Continue to do nothing.

I expect to see you on Tony’s stream with a 40 of Ol English or Mickey’s to pour one out. See you Saturday.


As a Canadian, I can confirm that not even buddy over there wants an Amico eh!


i just went to Amazon (USA) and searched for 'Amico'... it does not exist... even if one searches under 'Video Games' or 'All'...


I guess the 600 years of experience didn’t really pan out.


I can’t wait for Pat and Ian’s victory dance.


Tommy should auction off some of his many trinkets (and/or his Ferrari), and with the proceeds start to pay back the investors. I believe it was down to incompetence, and not taking the right decisions during the pandemic, that has led to this. They seemed to dither, and make little progress, despite clearly spending a lot of (investors) money on multiple offices and a reasonable number of employees.

I think they had good intentions and a feasible dream at the start, so I don't blame you for investing....they just couldn't deliver, and instead of being open and honest about it and admit they had made serious errors of judgement and been incompetent, they continued to string people along and hoped they could somehow turn it around.


It's perfect that you did this video from the hot tub. 😂


Old school retro gamers being lied to and manipulated upsets me the most about this whole thing, if this was a true passion project then why not be honest and forthcoming about ALL information concerning the company. Did you know that every crowd funded home console that has been created has failed, what makes the intellivision's console any different?
