Introduction to terminal multiplexers - Part 1 - #Screen #tmux #Byobu
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In this video we will learn about terminal multiplexers.
Screen website:
tmux website:
Byobu website:
My .dotfiles:
This video is part of the following playlists:
Table of Contents
00:00 Introduction
01:17 Terminal Multiplexers: Screen, Tmux, Byobu
03:34 Application lifecycle
08:21 Multiplexer lifecycle
11:53 Session lifecycle
15:17 Connecting multiple clients to the same session
20:19 Running byobu on login or as a shell
23:22 Detaching from sessions on purpose
26:07 The multiplexing part
30:06 Copy/Paste & Using the mouse
35:11 Sending commands to multiple windows & splits
Cheers and Happy Coding!
Screen website:
tmux website:
Byobu website:
My .dotfiles:
This video is part of the following playlists:
Table of Contents
00:00 Introduction
01:17 Terminal Multiplexers: Screen, Tmux, Byobu
03:34 Application lifecycle
08:21 Multiplexer lifecycle
11:53 Session lifecycle
15:17 Connecting multiple clients to the same session
20:19 Running byobu on login or as a shell
23:22 Detaching from sessions on purpose
26:07 The multiplexing part
30:06 Copy/Paste & Using the mouse
35:11 Sending commands to multiple windows & splits
Cheers and Happy Coding!
Introduction to terminal multiplexers - Part 1 - #Screen #tmux #Byobu
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