GERMANY | 5 Things to NOT say to Germans!

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hallo Zusammen, I'm Diana! 😀 I'm originally from Toronto, Canada but I'm now living and working in Berlin, Germany ☾ On my channel, I share my experiences and thoughts on living and working abroad as an expat in Germany. Thanks for your support ☮
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It's a fact that Germany has the best bread of the world. And it's fact that the American bread is yak. So why would you even discuss it?


Talking about WW2 is no problem in general. It´s actually a topic which is discussed alot here in Germany. You´ll find alot of scientific magazines or documentarys about it, so nobody forgets about this cruel event. The only thing you should consider is how you talk about it. Be respectful, stay factual and it´ll be completely fine :-)


It's just so so very annoying to hear Americans bragging about world war 2 whilst having almost no knowledge about the whole war as such, just the one year in which they were involved in europe, but act like they singlehandedly won the war. Russia (and bad decisions by Hitler and friends personally) played a much bigger role in defeating germany than the USA.


I actually do not really agree with this list, I’m German as well and grew up in Germany, all the German people I know are very open and do not mind discussing these subjects in a “normal” manner. Could be that it differs in other areas in Germany but generally, I don’t think it’s that accurate.


If you attack a German's bread with American bread, the German will go Crocodile Dundee "on yo ass": "That's not bread. *That's* bread."


Dear Diana,
I don't mind history/political discussions about WW2 or Nazi-Germany. But as ii is a dark and troubling matter for me (and my fellow Germans I suppose) I hate people making silly jokes about it. For me it's a sign of the other one not being educated about the topic or being just outright dumb.


German Bread is the best

Like if you agree


So I think I need to clarify something here. First it is definitely true that we don’t like to talk about ww2 with strangers or people we just got to know. Not a small talk topic. However, it is not completely taboo, because we learn a lot about this certain part of dark history in school. German History teaching is very objective and Germans have been taught to talk and reflect about history objectively. That doesn’t mean though, that we like to discuss it with foreigners very much, because they tend to assume a lot and have many prejudices, especially north Americans, no offence intended. Should you have a really good German friend, however, and really would like to ask some questions or are just generally interested in the topic and different opinions and views that’s totally ok. I think it might be even welcomed, for this way many prejudices can be cleared. A bit connected with this, what you may have noticed, is the lack of German patriotism. We don’t hang flags, we don’t sing our national anthem and so on. Might be interesting to discuss the topic, but just adding it here, because if you want to make a German the most certain way and possibly also the most uncomfortable start to sing the national anthem outside very close to your German associates, maybe in a beer garden or try to make them sing it. They will probably never ever talk to you again.
And the second is about Talking to a classier. In big cities that’s certainly a no go. But if you are in a small town or village supermarket or should you know the person or they know somebody out of your family (more the case in villages) it would be very impolite NOT to talk to them.
As always one needs to consider the circumstances. What you say is definitely not wrong, I just wouldn’t say it as absolute as you do, for there are many situations were it doesn’t apply.
Good video nonetheless :)


LOL, North Americans don't have bread. They have toast. 😉


That’s interesting because I’m not a fan of US bread. When I moved here I actually prefer German bread.


I'm a german and live in germany for more than 40 years now.

Regarding to what Diana have said about "Don't talk about Nazis and all that belongs to this topic":

I think, you can of course have a serious discussion about this with most of the germans.

But, as others mentioned before, pls avoid silly jokes or questions. And, even more important, avoid to do nazi-things like raising your right arm like Hitler did, or saying "Heil Hitler" or "Sieg Heil" or anything similar to that. Most germans are no nazis nowadays and doing things like this are terribly annoying.


For me, it is totally legit to ask questions about WWII and the Nazi regime. But if you do, listen to the end to what the person you've asked replies. Also, show some respect. It is always a sad story and probably one that involves close members of the person's family. And it is a story of manifold deaths, crimes and great tragic. If you are sincerely interested, feel free to ask. But don't make silly jokes about all Germans being nazis. That would be just offensive behaviour.


I feel the need to specify that it is very important for Germans to associate with our dark past. Even the younger generations, because if it is ever forgotten, it will be repeated. Most people are very open about talking about it. You're kind of right about not making jokes about the topic, although we do joke about it as well (e.g. the movie "Er ist wieder da"). I have seen quite a few of those recommondations in videos from non-Germans to stay away from that topic and I think it's quite the opposite in reality.
PS: While visiting Berlin I recommend everyone to go to the Jewish museum. Very impactful.


But what do you tell them? 1. We do talk to our cashiers at the super markets if there is time, and very much yes: 2. we are inerested in talks on history and politics. But we speak the truth, and don't do that to put anyone down. We love people and we listen to what they say.


Just to clarify, if there was a "rebel child" of Germany, it would probably be Bavaria. The tension with Berlin among Germans more likely stems from Germany's history with the region east of the Elba river. That area has always been contentious as to whether or not it is truly part of Germany proper and that area quite often ends up causing problems for Germany as a whole. In fact many Germans didn't want to reunite with the area after the USSR collapsed. I suggest "The Shortest History of Germany" by James Hawes. He does a really good job of outlining how territory east of the Elbe has always been hard to grapple with, from Prussia to the 1933 elections.


eddit to Nr. 4: "We" just want to get things done quickly and not annoy the people waiting behind us in line
I personally don`t like going grocery shopping in germany (I am german) I don`t like how people are always stressing about the smallest things


German beer and Japanese beer is the best in the world


Hi Diana, wonderful video, well done.
The topic of WWII is not that problem if it is a serious question with a normal conversation following, silly is if somebody ask, is Hitler still living, is everybody still a Nazi and follower of Hitler, that's annoying.
I guess not every American has selected Trump and is responsible for is acting.
Hihi and big cities, specially capitals are always a little different to the rest of the country.
If its Berlin, London, Paris,
New York, Chicago or Los Angeles.
Munich and Bavaria are also not the same, the schicki micki,
bling bling city and the traditional, conservative state of Bavaria.
Hihi thanks to you and have a nice day 😄


- How much you pay for health assurance is a fixed percentage of your "wage/payoff".
- As an Italian: we don't like to talk about WW 2 too...


Honestly I feel like u make it seem like we are ignoring that part of our history we obviously are ashamed of what the generations before us did but we are mostly well educated about it and it really doesn’t make us uncomfortable to talk about it. Also Berlin Is very well liked by people around here
