Olympus OM-D EM-1 Mark III - Real-World, In-Depth Review (4K)

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In this video, I also compare the E-M1 Mark III to the E-M1X and to the E-M1 Mark II and help you figure out which of the 3 is the better camera for you.

► Video Timestamps:
00:00 - Disclaimer
03:01 - 'Break Free' - Intro
07:04 - The Kit Used for 'Break Free'
08:37 - Ergonomics (Mountaineering Shot)
13:10 - HandHeld Hi-Res Mode (Desert Shot)
14:51 - EM-1 III vs E-M1X Ergonomics
18:17 - Starry Sky AF Feature + HandHeld Hi-Res Mode + Long Exposures (Desert Night Shot)
20:16 - Weather Sealing
23:13 - Live ND feature (Waterfall Shot)
25:32 - Silent Mode + Hi-Res Panorama (Library Shot)
27:42 - Eye AF & Facial Recognition (Restaurant Shot)
29:37 - Continuous AF + Tracking (Snowstorm Snowboarding Shot)
32:10 - Picture Modes (Paris BW Shot)
35:40 - E-M1 Mark III vs. E-M1X
41:56 - E-M1 Mark III vs. E-M1 Mark II
47:44 - My Verdict
49:18 - Final Words of Wisdom & Outro


► Follow Me:

► Disclaimer:
Olympus did not have any say in its contents, they did, however, check it for factual correctness.
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1. So, did you find what you were after? If not, what did I miss?
2. Should this video have been shorter? Or do you appreciate the length and details shared?


Even if you has an Olympus bias it is so good to see a real photographer speaking about real photography. No pixel count, no microcontrast, no corner sharpness in comparison to 10 other brands. Big like and subscription ;)


After watching a million videos on the EM-1 Mark III you sir have convinced me that this is the one. It's incredible what you've created with such a small & light kit.


Chris, what an excellent review. I have enjoyed every minute of this video. As a professional landscape photographer and Aurora chaser (as I live in Norway) I can't wait to add the EM1 Mark III to my Olympus kit. I am an Olympus shooter - and great advocate of the system (converted many photographers to the system) - for many many years and I love the innovation Olympus puts in his cameras. I am very pleased to hear that Olympus removed the ISO limitation on the HiRes shots, as this will help me to to shoot even more Aurora images with decreasing noise. Over the last years I have tested the HiRes mode on the EM1 Mark II to shoot the Aurora, but the limitation of the ISO (1600) caused an issue. Now I crank up the ISO with decreased shutter speed to capture the Aurora. My tests with the EM1 Mark II have shown that the thought process I had was correct. So now I am happy the I can do more tests with the EM1 Mark III. The new EM1 Mark III will help to open a whole new set of opportunities to shoot the Aurora. I recently wrote an article about "how to shoot the Northern Lights with your EM1 Mark II" - which was published by Olympus Passion magazine. With the knowledge I have put in this article I am sure the Olympus EM1 Mark III will greatly improve the Northern Lights shooting experience. Especially with the new Starry Sky AF functionality allowing long exposure shots handheld, will be a quantum leap in shooting the Northern Lights. I am more than sold on the Olympus gear and bring the Break Free messaging forward. I love the system!


Extremely well done evaluation! To me this is one of the best presentations on a new camera I have ever seen. Especially in combination with the break free video ahead of it. I saw the Break Free video when it came out and thought WOW and then when I saw this follow up to how, what, when and where and a simple explanation to the differences between the cameras. Great job! I was going to get the EM1 Mk3 anyway but, now I am more convinced. I have the EM5 Mk2 and the EM1 Mk2 and have been very happy with them, especially after coming from years of shooting with Canon. The Olympus line up has brought the fun and enthusiasm back into my photography. By the way as a testament to the weather sealing capabilities I took the EM1 Mk2 to Africa and Victoria Falls shortly after it came out. Our guide advised me against taking it, as we were going to walk next to the falls and he had seen many cameras ruined. I just smiled.... It was like being in a hurricane and it never flinched, not once and we were in those conditions for several hours! He was blown away as I just kept taking shots and the camera was fully functional. My wife had a rag under her rain gear and we just kept wiping the water off the lens, the 12-40 f2.8 Pro, so I could get the shot until I couldn't see out of it for all the water on it. I also shot on a rainy day all day in the Smoky Mountains in the US and never a problem. 
Thanks for taking the time to do this. Given the time frame you had to do it, you did an outstanding job.


Thank you for this vid. I tried many cameras from Sony Canon Nikon and Panasonic but I always feel just happy to use Olympus. I ended up buying 4 of them!


One of the best camera reviews I have watched. Real photography, and thats a complement from a Fujifilm user


Wow. This is incredible. When all the FF fanboys like Tony, Fro & the rest hit us with specs you just do it. This is photography. This is why we have cameras! Crazy you can do all that in such a small system. I’m also really pleased I jumped on an EM1 mkii in November, ...just need the 12-100 now🤞☘️


i own the Olympus om-d m1 mark III i was down near Newquay taking a sea-scape when i fell in 4 feet of water my camera hit the sand on the bottom it took a while to find it it was covered in sand i took it back to our caravan ran it under cold water to get all the sand off left it over night i have used it since last summer still working great GREAT VIDEO BY THE WAY SPOT ON


Hey Chris - amazing attention to details that count - Thank You! Based on this video, I changed my decision and purchased Olympus OM-D EM-1 Mark III vs. the planned OM-D EM-1 Mark II. I will owe you long years of enjoing the better camera, my brother 🙂


The best review I've watched for the last days. Congrats and thank you for sharing your vision of this new camera.


Great work Chris! We are always talking what we are capable of with this or that feature of the gear we use, but you actually went out for 3 weeks and did it. Incredible... Love the "Break Free" short film BTW


Chris, I was blown away by the Break Free video the other day and you’ve added so much more value with this also well-crafted and delivered chat. It’s always a pleasure when one of your videos shows up, but you’ve exceeded my expectations here. It’s just a pity that I can’t afford any of these cameras, but I’m happy with my E-M5 II for now. Thanks for sharing with us.


This is how reviews should be done. Thank you for setting the bar.


Just found this and subscribed! A proper in depth real world look. I'm an E-M1mk II user myself, eagerly awaiting the rumours that have been hitting about the next model. I actually needed this video - although I get awesome results from my set up and love it, I've seen even more bashing than usual recently and it has started to make me think about things; I'm not usually influenced like this but right now in 2021 it seems everyone is moving over to Sony and bashing Olympus. This video just reminded me of what I already know, so thank you!


This is just a spectacular review. Far superior to the YouTube pros who make 3 videos a week, telling you stuff you already know. Many thanks!


Omg this is one amazing video. I stumbled across your video at 4am in bed and cannot stop watching it. I have been shooting with Sony and Fujifilm and switched to Olympus Mark III last month because the small size that the M4/3 offers. I’m super excited to know that I made the right decision after watching this video of your torture tests and run & gun style of photography. With Olympus I want to bring my camera along again and shoot on the fly without the extra equipment and unnecessary weight. This video is exactly what I wanted and needed to watch. I still have a lot to learn what this camera can offer for me but you definitely showed me the real world possibilities with minimal gears and professional results. You are amazing! No your video was not too long. Of course I subbed and will be following you. Love your style of photography you got a new fan 🤛


Great review of the two cameras. Adding a comparison of the mark ii was a really helpful bonus. Thank you!


I got a Em-1 Mark 3 because of you and your videos. I hope you have lots of projects and work so we can see your vision.


Shot a 10 second exposure last night with the Mark iii and Panasonic Leica 12mm lens. The ibis on these Olympus cameras are next level. Moved to the mark iii just for the joystick but have been so impressed with the improvements made over the II. Eye detect, caf and ibis were already excellent before and now they've been improved even more.
