Adrenalectomy and Adrenal Incidentaloma with Dr. Travis J McKenzie | Behind the Knife Podcast Clip

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Dr. Travis J McKenzie, Endocrine and Bariatric Surgeon at Mayo Clinic, joins us on the podcast to discuss adrenal incidentaloma and adrenalectomy.

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A fatty lump was found on my adrenal gland in a Ct scan. It was then reported as again adrenal mass no further treatment required. I was having awful symptoms including rapid abdomen weight gain, buffalo hump, extreme loss of emotions anxiety, awake for 48 hours at a time, high blood pressure and sweats. Depression set in when I then lost hair and had extremely fragile skin where even slightest touch even from a soft pillow, applying cream and even showering was tearing my skin back like wet tissue paper. I felt I was dying from the inside. I self diagnosed myself suspecting Cushings Syndrome especially when bloods came back with diabetes. I pushed gp to get help, I was so sad and crying looking full term pregnant I had no want to live. After 16 months later I saw an endocrinologist whi started tests immediately the next day abd Cushings was diagnosed. The mass was an active tumour overproducing tumour which was removed with the adrenal gland just 6 weeks later. As I’d had Cushings for so long, they said several years, my remaining gland is still asleep. 3 years post op, it’s now unlikely to ever wake up so I therefore rely on hydrocortisone 6 hourly to stay alive/function. I live with the set out sick day rules….. adjusting meds to avoid adrenal crisis and have emergency injection kit. If you have a lump on your adrenal and have any nasty symptoms like I’ve listed….. do not get fobbed off, most gps never see this rare condition. Please insist on being tested and see the only person who can help you an endocrinologist. Most symptoms gone, skin hair good, but I do have osteoporosis and muscle loss and psychological issues caused from the damage Cushings caused. I will remain on steroids and be under the endocrine specialists for the remainder of my life.


I had an adrenal mass removed in August.(I'm a 64 year old female) It was 4x6 inches in size. My symptoms that started in July of '19 were: fatigue, no appetite (but I didn't lose weight because I ate out of habit) and a low fever most nights. (looking back I noticed it was based on physical activities.) I had tests run but the Dr. office didn't get the results. My symptoms came and went but I finally called the Dr. and they said they didn't get the lab results. When we finally got them it just showed the inflammation. Learned to deal with fatigue. May of '20 I was doing yard work and squatting a lot. That night I ended up in the ER with a terrible pain under my right collar bone area, they discovered the mass. Surgery went great at UCSF. (Dr. S. Roman and two other surgeons) They want me to start Mitotane but I feel so good that I wish I didn't have to take it. I was told this type of cancer is one in a million.


What are the consequences of removing an Adrenal Adenoma?


I have this from 5 years I am all the time sick lost my hair
and doctors don't do much my tumor is very big


I have adrenal gland tumor I am so sad


I don't problem with blood pressure
why ?
