Java Validation: Range Check Tutorial

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Java Validation: Range Check Tutorial

Greetings, today I shall be teaching you how to preform a range check in Java to help you get that A in your practical exam. We will be using 3 variables, one to store the value we are range checking, the minimum value and the maximim value. We pass these values into a method and check an inequality, if the user input is between return true if not then return false.

I will be uploading 1 video a day during the easter holidays so subscribe to be notified when I upload!

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I really like your java tutorials! you're very in depth with your teaching which is very helpful. most of the other YT videos are very straight forward and so i sometimes question onto why they use that.


This is quite useful, would there be a way to apply this to someone entering data into a table?


Do you have a video tutorial on Switch statements?


Would a range check be suitable for postcode text field or would you recommend a length check?


Thanks for this. It helped me. However, what if the user input is not an integer? how would you ties the two checks- InputMismatchException and range check in a loop till we get the valid type (an int within range)


hello sir, if there is a separate playlist for java from basics to advanced, you would definitely get more number of subscribers and we too would get benefited from your videos. i am sure if you are creating the playlist and giving very in-depth explanations in this way, your channel name will be in " popular Java YouTube channels." there is so much to learn from u.
if you are creating please tell me so that i would add that playlist. Thank u sir.


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