Bhagavad Gita 3 Reasons to Stop Eating Meat - Scientifically Proven

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One Spot for Spiritual Wisdom
Want to learn which diet is most beneficial for the human body. Watch this video to find out the main 3 Reasons to Stop Eating Meat.
In this video, Swami Mukundananda explains to us the Science of Proper and Healthy Eating.

What Kind of Diet is best suited for the Human Body?
What is the impact of the food we eat on the mind?

Watch more to find out the answers to the above questions and more.

Science of Healthy Diet
Science of Healthy Living
Science of Healthy Diet by Swami Mukundananda
What is the Best Diet for Humans?
What is the Best Diet for Human Body?
Sattvic Diet
Healthy Living tips
We are what we Eat
How the Food we eat affects our Brain?
How the Food we eat affects our Mind?
How the Food we eat affects our Emotions?
How to choose the Food we Eat Wisely?
Healthy Food
Рекомендации по теме

As a practicing Muslim, I found the video extremely helpful. In the process of being a vegetarian...


Been a vegetarian almost 2 years now. Best decision I've ever made!


9 month being vegetarian made me calm I don't get angry like I use to get so fast thanks guru


I rarely eat meat, and I had the inclination of being a vegetarian from the very beginning. And after watching this video, I will give up eating meat altogether. Thank you Swamiji, for purifying my senses 🙏🙏


Feeling proud that i didn't hurt any animals from my birth onwards...thanks to my parents to show me the best path


I m muslim and I love this session ...
I doesn't take meat before this session but now I have a reason
Huge respect for u sir.🙏


My dear friend…I am a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian. The denomination that I belong to believes strongly that Human beings honor guard by keeping their bodies healthy. Therefore, most members of my church are Vegan/Vegetarian. We also practice many other health principles, as discovered in the acronym for healthy living NEWSTART
(Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air, Rest, Trust in God)
Your lesson was absolutely amazing to me, because it shows me that the Creator is using Godly people of every nation, tongue, and tribe to teach the principles of Holy living in these last days of Earths history. Very Powerful lesson!! Thank You for allowing God to use you. I was Blessed by your lesson!


In the name of Allah, most gracious most merciful; these are the words I say before I Eat. Hamdilllah. Been vegan for 2 months now. Love this channel and all the blessings along with it. Thank you Swamiji!


Feeling blessed to be a Vegetarian, I have been a Vegetarian from last 17 years, even my Son who is 16 years old is vegetarian, and even my Wife is vegetarian.❤️🚩


1 Year of being vegetarian. I feel amazing now.


I have stopped eating meat gradually. And it came so naturally, I feel like whole my live i have been forcing myself to do it. I can see my mum is struggling as well, she eats meat, because of it is culturally rooted in Poland. But even if she makes meal for the family she will have piece of meat size of small finger, if at all. I went step father and decided to cut myself from cultural way of thinking that is common in my country. I eat what makes me happy. I am vegan.


I am a Muslim.As a Muslim, I used to do eat cow based meat a lot during the occasion of any happy things. Even, during the religion based festivals I used to eat cow based meat all the times.The meat I used to do consume as a food which was full of different kinds of spices.The meat which was eaten by me was fully spicy from taste prospective. But, after earning the knowledge which you have provided about it he negative impact of it, I have given up eating the meat of each and every animals in the world.Even, today I have made the promise that I don't even look for any kind of dishes to eat which are fully made of non vegetarian kinds of things.I have boycotted the meat from from my food menu list and I have added a lot of fresh vegetables in the same list of my food menu. A lot of vegetables are replaced by the meat based food items from the prospective of good taste by my own family members recently.But, I have changed the food menu of mine and I have made sure that there would stay any kind of meat item available at all. I have removed the meat item from my food menu list since I don't care about whether the food is tasty or not tasty.I do care about only one thing about this.And, this is whether the food is healthy for me and how much food value I have on this.Considering that particular thing I have made my daily food menu list. My food having rule is as simple as that I just need to consume good food which are healthy and I have yo boycott eating the bad food which are fully unhealthy for me.Taste is fully an irrelevant issue for the matter.Even, the theory about it is scientifically proven and since science has approved it greatly so I have no objection to do follow the issue and I am fully acceptable to embrace the policy regarding the food issue. So, thanks to Guruji for teaching me such an incredible thing on food items and I for thing by earning the knowledge my wisdom will be increased a lot and by applying it I do strongly believe that I can bring some positive changes in my mental and physical health about it.Thanks a lot from the bottom of my mind.May you live long and keep sharing such effective things to us.Today, although I am a Muslim from religious prospective but I am a great disciple of yours.


I have experienced many benefits since going vegetarian, better skin and healthier hair to name 2, but 2 that I did not expect is less body odour, and no more acid reflux issues that the doctor gave me medication to fix 😃 I didn't take the medicine and went plant based and I can't remember the last time I go acid reflux!


Been a vegetarian since I was born....feeling so good that my parents never allowed me to eat non-veg and onions and garlic too...


This, this , this is Hinduism, its not just a religion, but a way of living life, the eternal truth of this world ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Amazing, I've been vegetarian my whole life as I've been brought up that way, and even as an adult choose to remain so due to my beliefs of every living creature possessing a soul. I had no idea consuming meat increased your chances of developing cancer tho😱. I was aware of the different types of food affecting us differently and belonging to different gunas after having read/listened to the Bhagavad-Gita. Also love how plants have a consciousness. I do enjoy talking to the house plants my mother grows, as well as the plants in our garden or random trees outside. If I could choose, I'd like to be a tree in my next life, always giving back to the world and being so resilient. Thank you for sharing this Swamiji. Jay Shree Krishna 🙏🏼🙏🏼


this man has such wisdom. He answers directly, clear and concise. im glad i found this channel.


I’m American. I’ve been vegetarian for 8 months. My body has healed! In the west, people always make fun of us. But they are ignorant.


I’m really trying to make the change. I have days when I don’t eat meat or anything that comes from animals. Then there are days when I eat lean meat. I’m making a conscious effort to make a change in my diet. I feel better when I don’t eat meat.


I am a Muslim and as we know we live and breathe in non veg food but after researching for months I had decided to give up meat from the past 6 months and these are the benefits I observed-

1. State of mind is always calm, I would get angry quickly and act impulsively before, now I'm always in a state of calmness.

2. Improvement in health- I started to notice less inflammation in my body, used to feel lethargic and sleepy sluggish whenever I had a non vegetarian meal but now I feel active after every meal.

3. Improve digestion- Eating meals in the right proportion helped alot in digestion, earlier I used to over feed and felt digestion gas, bloating or even constipated, all that is gone now.

4. Eating fresh- Unlike non veg, vegetables cannot be stored for long in freezer and will spoil easily in 2-3 days, which helped in always eating fresh foods that are very beneficial to health

5. Guilty/ Ethical aspect- Although poultry are animals that are grown specifically to eat, I would still feel guilty eating them before, would you ever eat a human? Obviously not as it is a living being, animals are also living beings, then why should we eat them ?

Overall my life has changed since I became a vegetarian and hope that other people realise the benefits for the sake of their own health
