Neet 2024 Biology Bonus Marks | NTA Official Answer Key Released | Neet 2024 Exam

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The NTA has officially released the NEET 2024 answer key! In this video, we focus on Biology questions eligible for bonus marks and how you can challenge the neet 2024 exam answer key. Stay updated on crucial details to maximize your score. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for the latest updates! #neet2024 #nta #biology #answerkey #bonusmarks #neetexam
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Рекомендации по теме

Please challenge the following questions as they are controversial:

1) PHYSICS: Stability of atoms (old ncert statement should also be considered correct)

2) BOTANY: Biodiversity question (ex-situ is not as any of the options. biodiversity conservation includes both ex-situ and in-situ, therefore it cannot be the correct option) It is a humble request to everybody reading this question to please challenge the above-mentioned questions


Biodiversity question shld be challenged


Please challenge chemistry Henry's law constant question as kbar can be interpreted as unit of C alone or the other way round as well so 2 ans can be correct


The Bt Cotton questions should be challenged as well. Cry1Ac is specific and codes for bt toxin against cotton bollworms only.
In old ncert there is a statement - "Bt toxin is coded by cry gene". But in new ncert it says - 'Bt toxin is coded by a gene Cry1Ac named cry'. The new statement does not make sense at all. If the question had said Cry1Ac codes for bt toxin then it would have been right but saying that bt toxin is coded by gene cry1ac does not make sense. Those who know biotechnology in detail might have answered this question wrong due to such a confusion.
I urge everyone to challenge this question


Guys, its a humble request please do challenge the following questions:
* Atom wala question(since old ncert mein alag diya hai and most of the aspirants ke pass old ncert hai)
* Biodiversity conservation wala question (Accurate answer is ex situ which is not given. Biodiversity conservation cannot be the right answer since it is clearly asked in the question as "type of conservation", which requires a specific answer)
* Mendel's law of dominance wala question(1st statement mein, "in a pair of factors" bola gaya hai aur yeh nhi kaha ki vo similar hai ya dissimilar. Kyonki agar similar hua to dominant aur recessive kaise ho sakta hai)
*prism wala question (incorrectly framed question which creates confusion😢)

Please sab log mass mein challenge karna kyunki yeh kai bachhonka admission ka sawal hai jo border line pe hain😢. So please....🙏🙏🙏


Fate of DNA wale question mein none of the option are completely correct plz challenge


One more contraversal question from botany which no body talks about. The question is what will be the fate of alien piece of dna carry only gene of interest, transferred into alien organism.
Here 5 statements are given to chose, according to new ncert page no. 164 line no.33 the alien piece of dna has ability to 3 statements are correct . But in all option only two statements are given .so for this question all given options are wrong. Its a bonus question


I don't know why people are not talking about bt toxin question....
IN ncert line nowhere is written bt toxins So I think it is not exact ncert line, if you are considering answer is right according to ncert line. Because same line nhi likhi hai ncert

In new ncert, it is clearly mentioned "the toxin" not all bt toxins as given in question.

Also they have written bt toxin depend on type of crops ad given examples. Cry I ac is for cotton only.

In ncert at one time they are writing bt toxins depend on type of crops Then how can we consider cry I ac as gene for all bt toxins?


We want bonus for
2.monocot seed diagram question
3.fate of a piece of DNA question
4.exsitu question
1.atoms question
I don't know about other question in physics...but atoms question compulsory we need bonus 🥺


Why noone is talking about henry law constants was not proper plz lets ask for bonus


Any one challenged biodiversity question?


1. Question 110 of Set S4 Botany
I would humbly request you to please give Q.110 of set S4 as bonus, since the answer should be “none of these”.

In my opinion, since the word “ONLY” is written, ie, refers to a DNA piece that ONLY has the gene of interest, and not any vector DNA that would be able to integrate it with host genome. Hence it can NEVER integrate with host DNA without any vector DNA, for eg, Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumifaciens. But since ONLY gene of interest is there, it will not be able to integrate with host genome.

Here in ncert, it is clearly mentioned that gene may multiply and get inherited with the host DNA, IF AND ONLY IF it gets integrated with the DNA. And that will happen IF AND ONLY IF there is some helping/vectorial DNA, which is explicitly mentioned in the question not to be there.
Hence statement “B. It may get integrated into the genome of the recipient.” is wrong.
Due to same reason statement “C. It may multiply and be inherited along with the host DNA.” is also wrong.
And also due to same reason, statement “E. It shows ability to replicate.” is also wrong.
This is because till we don’t attach the gene of interest with a suitable vector, it will not integrate/attach with the genome, and will not be able to multiply or get inherited.
Hence all statements except statement D are wrong, and hence option 1, 2, 3, 4 are all wrong and the Answer should be “none of these”. Hence my humble request is to give this question as bonus, since lakhs of students like me left this question unattempted in hope that it would be given bonus, since no option was appropriate. Please consider, I would be immensely grateful.


The law of dominance of Mendel question should also be challenged because everybody has eliminated option B because it is wrong as it should be blending instead of expression

But statement E is also incorrect/incomplete ( page 45 under laws of dominance exact same line is given but it doesn’t stop at mono hybrid )


Mam mendels law of dominance question statement A is incorrect if factors are similar and in ncert clearly mentioned dissimilar.
Statement E is also incorrect since in monohybrid cross both parental characters are expressed in F2 generation.
Pls check this mam🙏


In botony there is a statement wrong ( law of dominance) . in question paper - out of one pair one is dominant and another one is recessive. But in ncert - in a dissimilar pair one is dominant and the another one is recessive.


Everyone should challenge questions which have different interpretations. If more people will challenge it then it would be taken more seriously. We should challenge following questions for the least:
1-> Physics Atom's question for considering old ncert answer as well.
2-> Chemistry Henery constant question. kbar looks more associated with only one constant.
3-> Ex-situ question in Botany. As Biodiversity is generic answer not the correct answer. So no option is correct.


The monocot seed diagram is also not marked properly. C label looks like it's pointing the scutellum.


Think positive Let's challenge!!! I'm gonna challenge soon...


open your eyes guys these many bonuses will not be given



1) atom question

2)rolling motion


Biology :-

1)biodiversity question

2)BT toxin question

3)fate of Dna question

4)C3 AND C4 plants questions
