Stares From Far Away But Doesn't Smile

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This guy who keeps staring at me needs to not try to "lure" me in bc he's clearly shy and I'm definitely not about to talk first so I guess we'll just stare until the end of the year


It makes me feel uncomfortable if he doesn't smile, even though I'm smiling


My boss stares at me from far away and I know he hates me lol


I was thinking of the guy while watching this


dude why the fuk you giving away our secrets?!?!?


As someone who has anxiety and social anxiety, it’s terrible being in this type of situation lol I start to overthink and I feel uncomfortable and would probably walk away from the whole thing .


So in other words he's a player lol


IMO, men do this because they are unavailable and want other female attention without the 'cheating' aspect of it coming into play.  Yes,  he wants the women to be thinking about him and maybe grow to be interested in him.  The women may like the attention (they've been lured in, as you've stated) and hope something will happen,  but there's no pay off because it's probably going to be nothing more than a staring game.  I've come across this situation many times, men stare and do nothing.  You think they're interested in you and they do nothing because they can't.  If they were single and available I would think eventually they would make a move if they see they've gotten the woman's attention and they sense a response (non-verbal) from her. 
I think it's awful to play with someone's head like that.  I know I get tired of it. 


there's this guy who used to do that when we had class. he made me so nervous cos he would stare at me without smiling. And for some reason I felt so intimidated by him that I couldnt look at him more than a second. Now when I see him, I still cant make eye contact and last time he approached and talked to me. But he's never smiling so it makes me think that he finds me boring or something cos usually im always smiling around people and people smile back..


I have done this but it really isn't my intention to creep the girl out. It is most when I find a woman drop dead gorgeous.


Beware of guys who do this because they are not the nice type. Hell, they going to get more girls than the nice type though, cos women have this unfortunate tendency to fall in love with a holes


This was happening to me recently with an electrician that is doing work on my office building. Would stare into my eyes and hold the gaze. The guy seemed to be really into me so I approached him because I thought he was shy. Turns out he was married. So he did it as a game. To keep his life fun since he's probably bored to death in his marriage. Also to keep me thinking about HIM and not his single and available co workers who were obviously into me. Sick bastard!! All the time I wasted thinking he liked me. SMH


I had this happen to me at an awards show years ago. I was a seat filler and kept feeling like someone was staring. It was this musician in a pretty famous band at the time. He stared at me but didn't smile. As I would move around I would catch him staring at me but not smile. I thought he must be on drugs or I had food on my face or something. It was creepy.


This guy does this to me often and i swear he wants to murder me lol It creeps me out!


When I look at a girl, but don’t smile, it’s not me trying to lure girls in. I just feel like someone was looking at me and I look to make sure I was right😂


Guy from my class (and yeah i like him) stares right into my eyes and doesnt smile or anything, just dead serous face.i wlways look aways because idont want to stare at his scary serious face, he is cuter when he smiles


That's exactly the scenario happening to me. I keep on thinking about why was he staring at me when I'm around? The sad part is, I can't ask him why.


Wow exactly my situation!!! Thank you for the advice!!! That guy was just keep staring at me and that made me think about him all the freaking time because I didn't know what was his action mean, now I got it!


This is what a Narcissist does, 💯 exactly a Narcissist. Thanks.


Im a boy and... if a boy stares at u ladies, that means he loves you or he just thinks you r sexy
edit: if he looks at you often, he is in love with you for sure
