SABATON - No Bullets Fly (Official Lyric Video)

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The official lyric video for No Bullets Fly by Sabaton, taken from the Heroes album.

#Sabaton #Metal #NoBulletsFly

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========= No Bullets Fly LYRICS ==========

From down below an enemy spotted
So hurry up, rearm and refuel
But through the bomber’s damaged airframe
See wounded men, scared to their bone

Look to the right and then look again
And see the enemy in the eye
No bullets fly, spared by his mercy
Escorted out, out of harms way

Fly, fighting fair, it’s the code of the air
Brothers, heroes, foes

Killing machine
Honour in the skies
Flying home
Killing machine
Said goodbye to the cross he deserved

He risked his life two times that day
To save an unknown enemy
Escort to safety, out of the killzone
A short salute, then departed

========= Historic Fact ==========

Following a successful air raid on the German city of Bremen, Charlie Brown's American B-17 bomber, ‘Ye Old Pub’, suffered severe damage. When German fighter ace, Franz Stigler, was ordered to shoot it down, he risked his life to escort the bomber to safety instead of attacking.

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One of my favorite stories about this song is that Stigler’s daughter and grandson have both heard it. His grandson was a fan before hand too.


The story of the song.;- During ww2, American bombers were bombing Bremen, and a bomber was severely damaged by German fighters. Fighter pilot Franz Stigler, recently rearmed and refueled, caught up with the retreating bomber in his BF109, and could see through the damages the injured crew. Instead of finishing it off, he stayed close to the bomber so that german Anti-Air would not target them. He tried to mouth and gesture for them to fly to Sweden to get aid, but pilot Charlie brown and crew didn't understand. Franz then maintained the escort until they were over open water.

Franz did this because he considered finishing a damaged plane with the injured crew the same as shooting parachuting pilots, which was (and is) a war crime.

Charlie Brown 50 years later managed to find Franz and they became friends until Franz's death.


Stigler may have not gotten a Medal, but gaining a friend who is like a brother and this epic song that will be forever in our history is way better!


That man is more well known for his mercy than he ever would be if he was awarded the cross for taking the other pilot down. In times of hate, basic human kindness is the most extraordinary.


Who needs an honorary medal if you could have honorary metal?


Stigler did not receive his medal.
However he has been immortalized by one of the greatest metal bands of our time.
I'd say that's equally good if not better.


A good soldier knows when to attack, a good man knows when not to attack.


"Fly, fighting fair, it’s the code of the air
Brothers, heroes, foes"

that line always gets me that I shed tears. That's where I understand the humanity in this song that guys like Stigler did such an heroic thing and the brotherhood he and Charlie made years later in 1990 only adds to it.


The book Honor in the Sky tell their full stories and its even more amazing knowing they found each other by luck in a military newspaper. These men were heroes, to end this comment in the words of Stigler "my countrymen call me a traitor my fellow canadians call me a Nazi, they will never truly understand who I am and why I did those actions that day".


he had the choice between getting a medal and keeing his soul, and he made the right choice, there is no ammount of medals in this world that are worth one's true honor.


The story of this was keeped hidden for a long time and it's mostly luck that we know about this story today.
I wounder how many accounts lile this may have happened but we will never know.


“True courage comes knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one”—Gandalf


Something i think people fail to see about war is the stuff like this, people generally think war is just about the killing the enemies and winning but in some moments it’s making new friends with the enemy and saving someone else’s life, there was two combat medics of the US army during WWII that set up a hospital in a church during D-day and they saved not only Allied troops they also saved German troops, one said in there journal something along the lines of how the Germans were just like them but in a different uniform, it’s absolutely amazing to see Sabaton make music out of events like this because it shines light on other parts of war that is barely seen.


You know, Sabaton are effectively modern day bards, recounting and singing the tales of history so others may hear them. And in that sense, Franz Stigler was a hero of legend, having his legacy immortalized for having the humanity and mercy to spare people whom he likely would have been told were enemies by his commanding officers.


This was an absolutely fantastic event and so well performed by Sabaton. Thank you for making this episode into history. Cheers.


"True courage is knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one."

Gandalf in the Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey


A crisp salute and RIP Franz Stigler and Charlie Brown and the crew of Ye Olde Pub. Brothers, Heroes, Foes. And thank you Sabaton for the amazing songs and art that you create… and the powerful and honorable way that you tell these incredible true stories of history and heroes.


Today’s the 81st anniversary of the story behind this song! Fly high to Franz and Charlie🕊️


Fame is temporary, friends are forever.


'Look to the right, and then look again.' I love that line! It's like what Charlie must've done that day. He looked to the right, and couldn't believe that a German plane was flying right beside him...
