[Part 1] Truth of Japanese Giant Revealed

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We uncover the identity of this "Giant" from the Japanese black and white military parade footage, watch till the end. Guys, Like & spread this video to every #paranormal researcher that you know of, everyone should know the truth!
There are a quite a lot of people who caused a lot of confusion by claiming unverified content (such as this Japanese Giant) as genuine. Here we take the extra effort to bring the discernment of #truth to viewers & paranormal researchers. There is indeed a mixture of genuine as well as erroneous contents even with various channels that would be #debunked.
Apologies for the copyright wording coverage, it is from the movie "Big Man Japan" or "Dai Nihon Jin", released in 2007. If you look carefully you can still watch the entire video with subtitles behind those fonts (or simply @ DailyMotion). The colorization enhancement was brilliantly done by Neural Network.
The 2 #giants in the film wore similar CGI suit with same shoulder and arm tattooes. The original poster baffled many viewers because no one knew much Japanese or who the director Hitoshi or actor Daisuke, were. All information are accurate and based on the official cinematography data released, film licensed by Magnolia.