No BS TS 34 - Typescript Decorators

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We're back with one more No BS TS and this time we are looking at Typescript Decorators; how to make them, how to use them.
00:00 Introduction
00:20 What are decorators
01:20 Project setup
04:36 Method decorators
08:10 Class decorators
11:55 Parameter decorators
16:11 Review
16:45 Outroduction
Types vs Interfaces:
👉 What's my theme? Night Wolf [dark blue]
👉 What's that font? MonoLisa
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#typescript #NoBSTS
00:00 Introduction
00:20 What are decorators
01:20 Project setup
04:36 Method decorators
08:10 Class decorators
11:55 Parameter decorators
16:11 Review
16:45 Outroduction
Types vs Interfaces:
👉 What's my theme? Night Wolf [dark blue]
👉 What's that font? MonoLisa
💢 Watch our other videos:
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