Umbrella Corporation | Resident Evil

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Under the Umbrella Corporation, life and death were reduced to commodities, to be bought, sold and traded.

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All because a tiny group of rich men dreamed of living forever and being gods. A little too horrifically real-world plausible to be watched and digested easily.


Umbrella always reminded me of scene in Austin Powers where Dr Evil discovers his company makes more money under legitimate business practices rather than his stupid world ransom schemes


*"At the beginning of the 21st century, the Umbrella Corporation had become the largest commercial entity in the United States. Nine out of every ten homes contain its products. Its political and financial influence is felt everywhere. In public, it is the world's leading supplier of computer technology, medical products, and healthcare. Unknown, even to its own employees, its massive profits are generated by military technology, genetic experimentation and viral weaponry."*


The Resident Evil Lore has always fascinated me for how Umbrella was founded and how it's crazy bioweapons have terrorized the world even if other groups try to live it's legacy to this day.


Templin: uploads a new episode

Me with a dying phone: seven minutes. Seven minutes is all I have time to play with you


As a kid you see The Umbrella Corporation as just a cool scary, intimidating, villain... as an adult you realize that The Umbrella Corporation is more than just that, they are chilling dark satire about the dangers of Big Pharma having far too much corporate control over culture, society and government. Interestingly enough, their name is actually a satirical pun on the term “corporate umbrella” an industry term for a mega corporation that has vast control over a wide variety of smaller corporations all under its wide “umbrella” or sphere of influence. In other words... the corporate subsidiaries owned by the mother company. For a non-pharmaceutical example of this highly troubling accelerating phenomenon, Disney is without a doubt the most well-known example of this extremely controversial and highly questionable business practice of blatantly trying to devour as many businesses and swallow up as many companies and corporate franchises as fast they can until sadly and inevitably Star Wars and Marvel being the two most infamous examples of this... especially Star Wars. It’s the illusion of a free market, for how can there be a so called “free market” when so many most well-known brands have all gradually and discreetly become owned by a small handful of corporations. Nothing in the world sounds less like a free market to me instead we should call it what it is, covert monopolies hiding behind their own subsidiaries to distract us from the nightmarish corporate system that we have allowed to spring up unimpeded. The next time you go to the grocery store see how many well-known products that you are familiar with that have the same brand in tiny font placed on a part of the box that’s hard to see. You’d be surprised at how often they do that. Almost like they know that monopoly is wrong (and deep down they do) and don’t want you to realize that’s exactly what they’re doing to us and society at large. And these corporatists are the exact same kinds of globalists in control of the world economy. God help us.

On a side note, does anyone want them to do a Templin institute Star Craft video on The Terran Confederacy since they did a video on its successor state The Terran Dominion a few years ago? I always felt that maybe we should have a bit more closure on that and them finally getting around to at long last talking about The Terran Confederacy would be a great way to do that. If you want to make your voice heard about them at long last finally doing a video on The Terran Confederacy since they never got around to it. Please message them let them all know that it would really mean a lot to all of us if they would finally revisit that in a Templin Institute future video dedicated to it. If enough people message them and politely ask them to do it so that we can all have some closure about it, they just might agree to do so in the near future.


“Umbrella collapsed, but their viral legacy continues to spread.” - Leon, Resident Evil Degeneration.


Funny thing is, we've never seen the money-making side of Umbrella--the legitimate pharmaceuticals, drugs, biotech products, private military services, etc that people, companies, and governments would actually pay for. The "zombies 'n monsters" division of the company sure as hell isn't turning a profit between the few sales they make and the constant destruction of valuable assets.


Stay ever vigilant Templin…. Thanks for all of your efforts…


Providence from the Hitman series could be a really interesting idea, right down to the corporate infighting that appears in the background of the games


I hope we get more info on Blue Umbrella and the Connections


Couldn't we work at the parasol corporation instead?
That sounds much more pleasant. Making frilly, lacy clothing or something


Two things that stand out:

I study a concept called "demonic entrepreneurship", it's the idea that the growth of the firm implies increase of power and this power becomes political and it needs to be defended at all costs. While it grows, it's treated as a heroic thing, but when it reaches that state, it becomes a menace. Citizen Kane is essentially a step-by-step progression of it (also, I think an episode on Charles Foster Kane would fit the channel, even if it's a bit unusual), but in history lots of examples can be applied from the robber barons (which the original proposer, Fritz Redlich, had in mind) to the Google (remember when it had "don't be evil" in its conduct code?). I guess Umbrella Corp is a more literal version of the demonic entrepreneurship.

The other is that I really enjoyed the attention of the RE writers to something that sounds like a detail nowadays: the influence of the eugenics movement in Umbrella's founders. Most don't have idea of how mainstream and pervasive eugenics was before WW2 in the world, especially in the US and Europe. It was talked in the open, by every type of person and few dared to protest it. It's crazy if you study even a bit of it. So it makes a lot of sense it'd influence those three guys.


I love this evil pharmaceutical company, a good choice for October.


Ironically, Umbrellas attempts to evolve humanity are always thwarted by regular old humans. One of which was just a rookie cop. Proving that slow and steady (evolution) wins the race.


In the Resident Evil Series, do notice that actually BOW are not entirely immune to any auto-cannons or any heavy-munitions arsenals (especially in RE: Damnation, where Leon final battle against remain Tyrants, suddenly A-10 Warhogs arrived and blast down two Tyrants by using 30mm Heavy Vulcan and Strike Bombs)

The only nasty thing is the infection spread on the virus, which very unpredictable...


This is exactly why we have ethics departments in all fields of science


I'm surprised there wasn't a anyone on the board who tried to get rid of the wannabe Bond villains and just run a highly profitable company


I believe I could make Umbrella stronger than before.
"Our Business is Life Itself."


Obedience breeds discipline. Discipline breeds unity. Unity breeds power. Power is life. - Dr. James Marcus
