Michael Unger : Combined Modeling of the Galactic Magnetic Field and Thermal Electrons

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Conference: Star Formation, Magnetic Fields, and Diffuse Matter in the Galaxy: A Conference Honoring the Contributions of Richard Crutcher & Carl Heiles, May 23-26, 2016, Madison, WI, USA
Date: Thursday, May 26, 2016
Session: IV. Magnetic Fields, Observation Misc (Chair: Tim Robishaw)
Speaker: Michael Unger (New York University and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Title: Combined Modeling of the Galactic Magnetic Field and Thermal Electrons
Abstract: We report results of a global modelling of the Galactic magnetic field and thermal electron densities, from combined analysis of galactic (pulsar) and extragalactic rotation measures and polarized galactic synchroton emission. We go beyond previous modeling attempts, by using the dispersion measure of galactic pulsars and the emission measure from H_alpha observations by WHAM, to constrain the distribution of thermal electrons, needed to deduce the magnetic field from rotation measures.
Date: Thursday, May 26, 2016
Session: IV. Magnetic Fields, Observation Misc (Chair: Tim Robishaw)
Speaker: Michael Unger (New York University and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Title: Combined Modeling of the Galactic Magnetic Field and Thermal Electrons
Abstract: We report results of a global modelling of the Galactic magnetic field and thermal electron densities, from combined analysis of galactic (pulsar) and extragalactic rotation measures and polarized galactic synchroton emission. We go beyond previous modeling attempts, by using the dispersion measure of galactic pulsars and the emission measure from H_alpha observations by WHAM, to constrain the distribution of thermal electrons, needed to deduce the magnetic field from rotation measures.