HUGE Chapter 4 Update + BIG Dev News!

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MUSIC courtesy of Epidemic Sound

Description (From Wikipedia) Poppy Playtime: Chapter 1 - A Tight Squeeze, commonly known as Chapter One or abbreviated as CH1, is the first chapter for Poppy Playtime. It was released on October 13 on Steam. It revolves around the unamed player, an ex-employee of the toy manufacturing business Playtime Co. whose employees when missing abruptly one day, and receives a letter from an anonymous sender stating that 'we're still here'. This incites the protagonist to go back to the abandoned factory and investigate it to find out what is happening. Playtime Co. is a toy-making company, and the location where the game takes place. It was likely established in the 1950s, considering the aesthetic and lack of deeply advanced technology. However, the factory likely made its demise some time past the 80s depending. In this game, you play as an ex-employee of a company labelled "Playtime Co." Playtime Co. was once a corporate giant company that was in the toy manufacturing industry - that was until everybody inside the factory went missing. Now, years later, you return to the factory to investigate these unknown missing cases. One of the main mascots of PlayTime Co, he was one of the best sellers and found a place in the hearts of many children across the globe due to the fact that he was programmed to hug people, or because he was found to be cute. Nobody really knows what made him so appealing. However, due to experimentation on the toys at Playtime Co., a Huggy Wuggy seems to have come to life and gone rogue, killing everyone that crosses its path. The Player is the main protagonist of Poppy's Playtime and is the person you currently play as during Chapter 1: A Tight Squeeze. There is not much to say about The Player since we never get an introduction to who they could be. However, there's a recurring theory that the live toys, such as the murderous HH, were actually human experiments. There's a theory that the player has ties to whoever was running the operation, or looked similar to them, which is why they were so ferociously attacked. This is not canon, and this may be disputed later on as more lore is revealed. Poppy Playtime is a minor character inside Chapter 1, and will most likely be an important character for the upcoming chapters. Poppy is a highly intelligent toy, she has the ability to properly converse with a child. She's also programmed to talk and communicate like a real little girl. Her first debut is in Chapter 1 and is featured inside the first VHS tape the player receives in the game, in which she appears in her own commercial tape. The Grab Pack was shown to have been used by factory workers to do heavy lifting and general tasks that would have been hard for the average man to do alone, or even in groups. Not to mention, that in the chase scene, the player used it to pull a huge box over an entrance to deter a murderous Huggy Wuggy, and instead destroys the entire mesh floor with the box and takes Huggy Wuggy down with it. This shows that it's incredibly powerful, managing to pull down a box like that with ease. In VHS 2, it's also shown that it can easily decapitate a person with relative ease. In VHS 2, because of this, it was strongly advised to use these with care for that very reason. Decapitating your coworker is not ideal. (Steam Page) You must stay alive in this horror/puzzle adventure. Try to survive the vengeful toys waiting for you in the abandoned toy factory. Use your GrabPack to hack electrical circuits or nab anything from afar. Explore the mysterious facility... and don't get caught.

The game has been a little controversial for accusations relating to NFTs, tracing renders, and of course being deemed as "money hungry" for selling tons of plushes on their website, amazon marketplace, and even making toys like Nightmare critters debatedly for the purpose of making money. Regardless, the games are still super high quality, and I still love talking about it and playing it!
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Hope ya'll enjoyed the interview!

Thanks for the shoutout, Sheep! :3


Chapter 4 feels more cinematic with those cutscenes


This is why we can’t doubt mob on stuff because within a week or month it’s fixed, which is super cool that mob actually listens to their community instead of SOME games.


I’m very happy to see chapter 4 getting better but it’s sad that I won’t see my favorite YouTubers replaying it in the this better state.


this is a good sign for things to come.

with that being said. #BRINGBACKDOEYQUESTS


The only poppy playtime guy I can watch that doesn’t just clickbait all his vids


Respect for Mob, and just indie devs in general. These guys put so much time and effort into making these awesome games.


Good because I was really confused about Yarnaby's death it didn't really make sense that he caught on fire when he got on the chain so I'm really glad they fixed it


9:53 This is why i've always been a bit forgiving when comes to bugs in games especially indies cuz bug fixing is hard . I have done coding in both Unity and unreal, and errors can pop up in the weirdest ways evenwhen you make seemingly minor changes. Time spent can balloon out fast, which doesn't help when your trying to meet deadlines. As long they're patched eventually with active effort it fine imo


I’m actually glad that Mob Entertainment updated their chapter to where they fixed everything so that it’ll go smoothly without any bugs or glitches and I hope that when they are in the middle of making Chapter 5, they’ll take their time double checking to make sure everything isn’t buggy or any glitches in it


I feel the last things they should do (without overhauling the entire game) would be fixing bugs and replacing the Smiling Critters cutouts with Nightmare Critters cutouts. Then they're gold.


The bug where yarnaby stops at the end of the chase actually existed since the game released, I guess it just became more common now though


I’m still hopeful that Boxy Boo will have a role in chapter 5 😭🙏


"2:25" First, that sounds like a fun idea of letting The Player to drive a vehicle for the first time, not to mention the whole Bron the dinosaur chasing The Player driving the Semi Truck sounds much like Jurassic Park when Rexy was chasing, Malcolm, Ellie, and Robert driving a Jeep Wrangler.

"6:59" Second, that is not a Lava Pit, that is a "Smelting Pit" is a type of furnace that extracts pure metal from ore by heating it to a high temperature in smelting plants factories. But I admit this update version of Yarnaby's death is way better and makes more sense.


what if the prototype that we've seen so far is just sir poops a lot's toilet, and sir poops a lot is actually the prototype


The behind the scenes are always so cool to see


They really let us believe that yarn we could have survived but then they made him take a swim in lava😂


The new patch did fix quite a lot of things but sadly it added a couple of new ones as well. For example in some locations some lighting aspects turn off such as volumetric lighting bloom and spotlights making the game look a bit weird. reloading certain areas causes soft locks, and some of the critters in safe haven dont talk anymore. So hope they fix those with patch 7


Doey: Hey! Would you like to see the moon?!
Sheeprampage: What?
Doey: ‘Sends him to the moon anyway’.


Why don't the devs give a patch that adds nightmare critters cutouts with voicelines in the chapter?
