STOP BEFORE YOU BUY!!! Don't Copy Style, Create your Own! Here's How to Analyse YOUR Style

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Sharing below my favourites pieces for each category I discuss -








HEIGHT - I’m 5ft 6 and a standard UK size 8 for clothing reference.

I use some affiliate links. This does not change the way you buy, it just means that a small amount of commission goes to me, who has helped drive the sale. Thank you!
Some of the pieces I show are sent to me by brands. Unless disclaimed, I am not contracted to talk about or promote the item. I only accept PR products if it’s something I like.

All music is from Epidemic sound, a site that I pay a monthly subscription for in order to access music.
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I’m several (many) decades older than you, not anywhere as thin and I live in a small Southern California town. Your channel has inspired me to shop my closet and try new combinations. Your analysis of why an outfit works has been so helpful. Thank you


Lydia, can you make a video about how you take care of your clothes? How do you keep your white clothes whites? What do you do with your leather pants? Do you have any tip to avoid usual “washy” look on black tops? Etc… Thanks


This is important to understand that copying someone's style won't necessarily work for you. Something that looks good on someone else might not look good on you and vice versa. Thank you for the helpful advice!


This is a great video, thanks for posting it. The first "fashion" video I watched was your 2023 spring capsule or essentials videos. It inspired me to get a trench coat. I found an amazing Sezane one on Vestiere. I was over the moon. It fit me like a glove, it made me feel so confident, and I suddenly got into fashion again after 10 years of ignoring it, especially after having kids, family etc. It did something for my self esteem and sort of flipped a switch. Then I saw your Arket spring haul and I bought almost everything you recommended for spring, bc I am basically starting from scratch to make my wardrobe. I was so disappointed. Everything was returned, and it looked horrible on me, it all overwhelmed my petite frame, and the colors did not work on me at all. The only thing I kept was what I ordered for my daughter. I made some other online orders watching videos from various fashion influencers. Again returned almost all, except some items for my daughter. I was so discouraged! Then I started learning more about my body type, colors that go with my undertone, and my own style and went through my closet and analyzed what activities I actually do and dress for on a monthly basis, to understand what I need. This helped a lot. Especially body type, color, and lifestyle. Even the Kibbe body type thing has been great. Now I am being much more intentional and not as frustrated when trying on clothes. I feel like I am gaining a much better idea of what clothes suits me and what I feel comfortable and confident in. Even though I love your videos and style inspiration. My style is definitely not yours:) I'm happy I was able to understand that and find my own way to start building my own personal style. But I do enjoy your videos immensely and you have helped a mom start to get her groove back, so thank you. I know you have done some investment pieces videos in the past. But if you could do another one for summer 2023 that would be great. Accessories bags, shoes, belts, etc. Maybe at different price points, around 500 mark would be awesome. Thanks so much, you look wonderful. Congratulations on your good work.


Great and refreshing to see someone so young speaking so reasonably about new purchases!
Would love to see a styling video for a long shirt dress.


Best video ever that shows how to choose items that fit our lifestyle, not our “fantasy” lifestyle. I WANT a dressier wardrobe, but my lifestyle is very casual. You showed me how to make my casual wardrobe still look put together by considering all the elements you mentioned…thank you!😍


My style is so different from Lydia's -- West Coast children's librarian who's out in the garden, outdoors with animals, or inside with children most of the time. However I love her style guides for looking put together while you feel good, and solving some of those styling problems we run into inside our own closets, and help me adjust what I'm wearing together to create a more put together whole. Thank you, Lydia!


Love the advice even tho I’m not your target demographic it works for guys as well.
I too WFH and it’s interesting that I like dressing up now when no one really sees me vs when I was in an office setting. I hated dressing up and always seemed uncomfortable. But now I guess since no one is forcing to dress up I embrace a lot more smart articles of clothing.


Hi Lydia! I love your videos and specifically your advise and knowledge on style. I love the things you wear, but as a mom of two I know my lifestyle is different from yours, as well as my age, my geographical location etc.; however, your advice has made me a very happy mom that dresses herself to tackle each day feeling well represented, comfortable and stylish! So thank you for all your tips and the effort that you put in your content!


I appreciate your sensible approach as well your emphasizing how comfort, fit, fabric, lifestyle, and shoe choice are the essential elements in finding the style that is our own yet suits us best.


You have a wonderful sense of style. Classic and classy. 😊


Fantastic video, Lydia! I love clothes so much and I confess that I'm all over the place. I've tried to stick to neutrals but every time I see a green or a beautiful color, I'm like 😍 Same for my style - to me it's so hard to define "who" I am and what image I want to share. One day I wake up minimal and simple, the next day I want all the glitter 🤣Thank you so much for the ideas!!


Hi, I almost purchased a Magpie piece of clothing yesterday BUT thought of you Lydia and said NO to the purchase. I remembered my style & referred to my list of items I need to fill holes in my wardrobe. I keep it on my phone. Thanks Lydia ❤


I love your videos, your ideas and the "why" behind it.
I have found so much help in them and finally I know my style, within your style not just copying outfits.
Thank you very much.


The only stylist that really care about who we are. ❤


magpie pieces 🤣 I totally have a bunch of these in my closet that have just sat there… this is so helpful because if your outfit doesn’t feel true/comfortable to you then it will definitely show!! I feel like I look best when I feel good


Lydia, my photos of my favorite outfits that I keep in my I pad, are all pics of you! Your style is mine but you do it better so I try to copy your outfits. I’ve bought many of your pieces and accessories and my colors are neutrals like yours. You are my inspiration ❤️❤️❤️


This is a very well done segment with a lot of practical information. I wish everyone could see this before they make costly mistakes. Well done! Thank you!


Lydia, thanks, you have given me so many great ideas with your "smart casual" style pieces. Things I already have can be paired in better ways.


Now that I’ve been watching your videos for some time, this video was very instructive. What we like and what we need changes as our life changes. Single, married, younger, older, retired, widowed, living in New York, living in Florida. All these kinds of changes require us to reassess our wardrobe. Your video is a great tool to do that because, whatever my age, location or situation, I want to look sharp! ❤
