Narcissists Threaten to Control! #shortsfeed

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The narcissist sets you up for their own gain! The #narcissist is manipulative and controlling and only thinks of themselves! In this #shortsvideo I discuss the empty threats of the narcissist Narcissists threaten to control you and they do this to increase the trauma bond which allows them to more easily control you while you wish for things to be better and different.

Narcissists talk just to hear their own words. They talk about themselves, they talk about how they are better than everyone else, and they talk to put others down as a way to boost their narcissist supply. Another topic narcissists can’t stray from is the empty threat. The empty threats of narcissists. We all have heard them before. Narcissists empty threats are a way to put you in your place so that you don’t feel too comfortable in your own life or the relationship. If you think my boyfriend is always mad at me or my girlfriend is always mad at me. Or you think my boyfriend always threatens to leave me or my girlfriend always threatens to leave me then you are likely someone who has received the empty threat. The threat to leave you, find someone new, or even to not follow through on plans. For the narcissist, these empty threats feed their need for control. They hold all of the power because you don’t know what is real and what isn’t. Do they mean it this time or were they exposed to narcissistic injury and want to lash out at you? The narcissist likes to keep you guessing. And then their lack of empathy means they have no interest in understanding how their actions affect you. They are only focused on themselves. And the narcissist lacks object constancy so they can go from truly loving everything about you to hating you withing the same 30 minutes. The narcissist is predictable and unpredictable at the same time. You might also think “my boyfriend is bipolar” because of all of the mood changes. But really they are just emotionally abusive and enjoy toxic relationships so their crazy making makes you feel crazy. Will he really leave me this time? No one can answer that but the narcissist and as you squirm and try to figure it out, they get more and more controlling and pleased with your unhappiness. Nothing I do is good enough for my partner because your partner can’t control you if you feel confident.

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