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At the end of the year, everyone always reflects and set new goals for the year ahead. After a few months, a majority of those people forget their New Year Resolutions and fall into old patterns. Are you one of them? There are also those who never even try to rise above or try to aim for anything. Are you one of them? In this video, I share my thoughts on New Year's Resolutions.

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Prince EA
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Most people will watch this video and think "wow so inspiring I agree!" Then click away and forget everything they learned from this video. Don't let that person be you.


I'm sitting here listening, and all I can think about is "wow I can listen to this all day"


"there is someone in the hospital right now, praying, begging God to have the opportunity that you have right now...don't blow it" those hit me hard


Abraham Lincoln said "The best way to predict your future is to create it" Thanks for the inspiration Prince Ea


Some Credits that @PrinceEA could have mentioned:
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” is by Joseph Campbell
“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” by Michelangelo.


Such an amazing story teller! here are my notes for anyone who might want to revisit this video.
0:00 Chicken Eagle Story Intro
0:41 Chicken Eagle sees a real eagle flying.
1:10 We belong to the ground, we are just chickens, they said.
1:30 We are might not be where we could be in life. We allow ourselves to spend our time with people who put us down.
2:00 The meaning of character is the ability to carry out a resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.
2:55 The word sin comes from Greek. (Sin used in archery) it means to miss your target.
3:10 The greatest sin is not to be who you were created to be.
3:25 The story of Icarus intro
3:50 Icarus' full story.
4:00 Icarus's father warned him not to fly to low for danger of crushing into the sea.
4:30 The tragedy is not to aim high and miss, but to aim too low and crash.
4:50 The comfort zone.
5:05 Fortune favors the bold
5:12 "It's the cave that you fear that will hold the treasure that you desire."
5:25 Life resolution.
3:30 Someone in the hospital right now is praying to have the opportunities in life we have right now.


About 2 years ago I was sitting as an intern in an office job that I hated. 2 years ago I watched my first prince EA video. He motivated and inspired me to just go for my dream which was to be a YouTuber. It took a while but I can proudly say that I am about to hit 100, 000 subscribers and it's turned into a full blown business which I can now support myself with my videos. Thank you Prince EA for helping me get here with your words alone.


I'm stuck in school. School is like a jail to me. I know what I want, I work for it as hard as I can. But I can't at the same time. I get punished for making my dream a goal and get to that goal. It's depressing.
When you get punished for not being able or allowed to follow your dreams, to make them come true and to do something you weren't meant to do, you get depressed and your productivity goes down 200%
It's true that school kills creativity. That school isn't really preparing you for the future.
I am exhausted with it... and people won't let me change my path. It's like there are guards around me that shoot or hit me every time I try to change the path.
My teacher who really understands me tells me every week, even during break he texts me: "Just a couple more months. Then you're free, then you can go for that goal 250%! You can do it!"

I feel like I can't do it anymore...
Got any advice??


2022 ends in another 2 hours and I cant help feeling so out of place and alone. I know Id feel better tomorrow because I always do. I know Id get through the next couple of days though they will be stressful. Id be on edge feeling more isolated than ever BUT despite it all I will get through because I always do, that's what I do, that's what I am. I hope I pull through. I have to! Cheers to a 2023 full of kindness, compassion, peace and happiness.


Let's change this year, let's fly, as eagles we are, happy 2021!


I swear this guy needs to be President


I want to be a writer. I've know this since 4th grade. All the books I have in my head one day, will explode leaving me with nothing. I've been scared to write the books I want because of what OTHER people will think. Finally instead of hiding in the shadows and being a chicken, I've spread my wings and soared into the sky with all my night. This is all because of Prince EA. Thank you to Prince EA and anyone who has supported me ! And if you've gotten this far through the comment, I want to thank you. For caring.


Good timing YouTube recommendations, good timing indeed.


Hey Prince! I am stepping out of my comfort zone this year. Tomorrow I set off on a solo journey to India. I'm not going for tourism, I'm going to focus on my own spiritual growth and get away from the toxic environment I live it. Thanks for all your inspiration and wisdom over the years I been watching you! Peace.


You're literally the most inspiring person on this planet


*Character is the ability to Carry out A Resolution Long After The Excitement of the Moment has Passed*

-_Prince EA_


This year I don't have any feeling of Christmas, I don't feel a damn thing. Everyone partying, drinking, dancing and I am here. It is not important a that the year changes, it is important that you personally change yourself to you better version. I am here and have goals, let it be 2020, 2021 ... 202N does not matter. Be happy not because the year changes, the planet rotates and is again in the same position but because you have changed, you have completed your goal, finished one book, got good grades, passed you exams or just bought what you wanted so many years.
I wish you for your lifetime to always be eager to realise your dreams, have a goal and complete it.


Honestly, I accidentally stumled across your channel and your words are so motivating, it is unbelievable!
I am really speechless, I.. I can't, honestly I can't describe the feeling I get when you speak, it is just so overwhelming and true.
God bless you, I want to become a better me, I want to know what my goal in life is, what I was created for, may God help all of you struggling and have faith! Never give up, keep your head up, there's only one way up!


Mr. Ea, I hope one day I can shake your hand. You've gotten me through some of the roughest times in my life. Used to listen to your music years ago for inspiration and knowledge, and I still do, but these videos you make truly hit me somewhere that music doesn't. I don't know if you realize how big of a difference you are making with these videos, but I'm proof that you are. I hope I can talk to you in person one day and gain just a glimpse of your knowledge and insight. You're the kind of friend I need in life.


"But how many of us know not to be too humble? too meek.. too timid... too shy... too safe..."

that line is so striking...
