Disney Rumors That Are Absolutely NOT True

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Don’t be quick to believe EVERYTHING you hear about Disney World! Today, we’re debunking the myths, legends, and flat-out lies surrounding the “most magical place on earth.”

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The only reason they would “tear down” Cinderella’s Castle is if the place had a major issue that would require extensive repairs and/or renovations.


I'm not a teetotaler, a person who practices or advocates total personal abstinence from alcoholic drinks, however I do wish they would limit the sale of alcohol to table service restaurants and then set a limit on number of alcoholic beverages consumed. I've been to WDW many, many times and the last two visits to Epcot I have been disgusted by several groups of adults who had clearly had too much to drink and were obnoxious and loud, cursing like sailors (sorry sailors) at the top of their lungs and just being bad guests. It took away the magic for me and left a bad impression. If I had been a first time visitor I would think twice about booking another trip. Ever. Those people were that disgusting. But this is JMO.


The way that we know absolutely for sure that Walt's frozen head is not there: There is no way that Bob Chapek would not have monetized it by having tours to see it.


When I took the "Keys to the Kingdom" tour and we were taken down into the utilidors, I actually was a little homesick! I worked at a university whose buildings are connected by underground tunnels very similar to those in Magic Kingdom. Ours are larger, but we have a lot more students than Magic Kingdom has employees!


Interesting fact about the first one (the "no alcohol" policy) - WDW very nearly got built in St. Louis, but wound up in southern Florida because of Walt's stance on alcohol. While he was in St. Louis to finalize plans for building the Magic Kingdom there, one of the city's prominent businessmen commented that anyone who thought they could run a successful business in the city without serving alcoholic beverages "ought to have his head examined, " and the comment offended Walt so much that he immediately packed up and left.

And good point about the second one (the idea that you *have* to book a certain amount of days at Disney hotels to get a particular discount) as well. Be very mindful of the fine print - as the old saying goes, the devil really is in the details!


“If you keep on believing the dream that you wish will come true” Cinderella (a dream is a wish your heart makes) ❤


Just returned from WDW and every restaurant we went to asked about food allergies and usually multiple times


If anyone honestly believes there is a weather dome at WDW, I have a bridge I’m looking to sell


If AJ has problems getting a reservation at Space 220, then the rest of us certainly shouldn’t feel bad if we don’t snag one! But I really want to go!!! 😍


Close to 10 years ago my family was dining at Yak and Yeti, and my wife (then gf) said she has an allergy to soya sauce (not soy) and after that she was not allowed to order anything that contains soy. I had to order her dessert and hers mine so she could have chocolate cake. So yes Disney takes allergies very seriously, but it ends once the food is at the table as they had no issue with her eating "my" chocolate cake.


Just stay away from Inside The Magic….. they post anything


Your cold is no problem I could hear you in the clear 😊


So many rumors. So many who want to believe them. Thanks for debunking them yet again DFB.


I think Walt absolutely *would* have gone for cryonics if he knew about it, but there’s still no reason to do the storage in Disney World *or* Disneyland.


The food always looks phenomenal I wish the stuff I grew would look that tasty !


Not tearing down... re-theming. It will become "Tiana's Castle". Behind it will be Tiana's Bayou Carousel. To the right, you will find Tiana's Speedway and Tiana's Peoplemover. To the left, you will find Tiana's Small World and Tiana's Haunted Mansion. Other re-themed attractions include Tiana's Railroad, Tiana's Pirate Adventure, and Tiana's Jungle Cruise. Welcome to the new Magic Kingdom, eh, Magic Queendom. Sorry, old habits die hard. Thank you, Bob Iger. [sarcasm off].


About Walt Disney being frozen 🥶 I here’d that since I was a little kid (born just a few months before WDW opened). I do think that they need to have a Disney cemetery, can you imagine how quickly that would fill up, because everyone will be die-ing to get in there😂, sorry I just had to❤


AJ, I would not have known you have a cold except for the comments. I hope you feel better soon.


I am surprised that you passed over the "Disney created the movie Frozen instead of calling it the Snow Queen as a cover for the cryo- 'Frozen' Walt."


My wife ordered off the kids menu at the Brown Derby in HS with no problem as well.
